CFP: Religion in Latin America and the Caribbean: Past, Present and Possible Futures (conference)

Call for papers

Religion in Latin America and the Caribbean: Past, Present and Possible Futures

Abstract deadline:      10 October 2021
Conference:                12 and 13 January 2022

The Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS), University of London in collaboration with the Centre for Religion, Conflict and Globalization (CRCG), University of Groningen.

Keynote speaker: Professor Virginia Garrard (University of Texas at Austin)

Conference summary: Latin America has developed some of the most multi-faceted religious tapestries in world history. From its indigenous forms of worship, Catholic colonial influences, and Afro-diasporic cults to the rapid growth of Pentecostalism, the region has been the stage of numerous and innovative religious ideas, materialities, myths, symbols and performances. Such variety of religious experiences challenges scholars to refocus the lens through which they interpret religious phenomena. At the same time, one cannot understand Latin American and Caribbean history without taking religion into account. Beyond the growing influence of religion in the political sphere in the region, there is a need to unpack pressing themes such as the violent targeting of Afro-Brazilian religions by evangelised drug traffickers, corruption schemes involving churches, as well as how religious histories and identities across Latin America are being reframed through the transnationalisation and digitisation of religion.
The conference will be a forum for scholars working across the social sciences and humanities to examine the contours of religious life in Latin America and the Caribbean from a temporal perspective. It seeks to promote interdisciplinary dialogues between Latin American Studies and Religious Studies in order to advance historical, anthropological, sociological and theological discussions of religion in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Possible topics include but are not limited to:
•             Religion and politics;
•             Gender and religion;
•             Religion and identities;
•             Historical approaches to religion;
•             Theological approaches to religion;
•             Religion, urbanisation and development;
•             The transnationalisation of religion;
•             The digitisation of religion;
•             Religion and environmental change;
•             Religious missions.
Please submit a paper abstract of 250 words or less together with a brief biography and your contact details to Manoela Carpenedo The deadline for abstract submissions is 10 October 2021.

Invitation: International Seminar on Narrative Sociology–Oct 5, 2021

Meeting – Microsoft Teams
(Click below to join the meeting)
Fai clic qui per partecipare alla riunione

(in English)
October 5th, 2021

Roma Tre University
Aula Volpi
Via del Castro Pretorio 20
00185 Roma

Conveners and discussants:

  • Roberto Cipriani (Roma Tre University, Italy)
  • Enzo Pace (Padua University, Italy)


  • 10.00 am Hans Geir Aasmundsen (University of Stavanger, Norway) ,“The Holistic Mission Narrative; a “roadmap” for global Evangelical and Pentecostal mission in the 21th century”.
  • 10.20 am Øyvind Gjerstad (University of Bergen, Norway), “Narrative Structures in Argumentation: a linguistic approach to the study of religious and societal narratives”.


  • 11.00 am Raffaella Leproni (Roma Tre University, Italy) – “Fine art readers. Shared narrative backgrounds to address a reading community”
  • 11.20 am Guido Giarelli (University “Magna Græcia”, Italy) – “Care narratives in Integrated Oncology: preliminary results of a textual analysis with mixed methods”
  • 11.40 am Mario Cardano (University of Turin, Italy) – “Focusing on argumentative structure in the discourses’ analysis”
  • 12.00 am Marco Marzano (University of Bergamo, Italy) – “Uses and Abuses of Narrative in Qualitative Sociology”
  • 12.20 am Antonio Maturo (University of Bologna, Italy) – “Disease, illness, sickness: From Triad to Trinity?”
  • 12.40 am Lara Maestripieri (Polytechnic of Milan, Italy) – “Combining positioning and biographical trajectories: how I did it”

Lunch break

  • 3.00 pm Stefania Palmisano (University of Turin) – “The Narrative Approach: How to discover spirituality in everyday life”
  • 3.20 pm Massimo Introvigne (CESNUR, Italy) – “Global Pentecostalism: A Map”
  • 3.40 pm Mariano Longo (Salento University, Italy) – “Narrative and the construction of meaning. On the cognitive value of telling stories”
  • 4.00 pm Ilaria Riccioni (University of Bozen/Bolzano, Italy) – “Reflections on narrative methods for a grounded theory and its role within qualitative sociology”
  • 4.20 Milena Gammaitoni (Roma Tre University) – “Epistemological issues: the narration of female musicians fighting for social rights”
  • 4.40 pm Ignazia Maria Bartholini (University of Palermo) – “New form of religiosity: from taking care of migrants to the political exercise of welcoming them”
  • 5.00 pm Susanna Pallini, Giovanni Maria Vecchio (Roma Tre University) – “The relationship among children’s prosocial and aggressive behavior, sympathy and emotion regulation”

Conference: Regulating Religions? Legal and social status in contemporary Europe–23-24 Sept 2021

International Conference

Regulating Religions? Legal and social status in contemporary Europe will be held on 23-25 September 2021.  It is organized by the EUREL network (EUrope – RELigion: and the Institute of Sociology of the University of Porto.

The EUREL project, established around 20 years ago, results from an international network of European researchers in the fields of Sociology and Law, focused on the changes in the relationship between religion, State and society in Europe.

The project is coordinated by Anne-Laure Zwilling (U. Strasbourg) and in Portugal is represented by Helena Vilaça and Maria João Oliveira (IS-UP). Every two years the EUREL network holds an international conference which will take place in Portugal this year.

The international conference will take place in a hybrid format. In-person sessions will happen at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto and be simultaneously broadcasted via Zoom-Colibri.

Given the current health restrictions, there will be limitations on the number of people who can attend in person.

We remind you that, although participation is free of charge, prior registration is mandatory. For registration and other information concerning the event, please access the following link:

Best regards,

The Local Committee of the Conference

Call for Papers: Religion, Politics, and Uncertainty (ISA-RC22 Mid Term Conference, Nov 11-14 2021)

Religion, Politics, and Uncertainty:
Shifting Boundaries
ISA RC22 Mid-Term Conference

Dear Colleagues,
ISA RC22 mid-term conference Religion, Politics, and Uncertainty: Shifting Boundaries will take place on November 11-14, 2021, in Vilnius, Lithuania as a hybrid event (live & virtual). This is an invitation for sociologists of religion and scholars of religion of other disciplines throughout the world.
Please, find all the information on the Conference Website, and submit your abstract presentation through it by September 1, 2021.

We appreciate your support to share this call for papers in your social networks and any groups that may be interested.

See you in Vilnius!
Cecilia Delgado-Molina
Secretary-Treasurer ISA RC22

SocRel conference details–13-15 July (online)

Dear colleagues,

Hope everyone is keeping well. I just wanted to circulate the programme overview for our socrel annual conference, taking place between 13-15th July (online/zoom). The full programme (with abstracts and zoom link) will be circulated to registered delegates later this week, but for those who aren’t registered, this link provides some detail on what to expect at this year’s annual conference:

Also, the conference registration deadline will be extended by one week, so do ignore the 30th June deadline.

Conference rates are as follows:

  • · BSA Member Full Conference: £20
  • · SocRel Study Group Member Full Conference: £25
  • · Non-Member Full Conference: £40

Please follow this link to register for the conference

If you have any questions or queries, then please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Dr Rachael Shillitoe, Research Fellow
Conference and Events Officer for the British Sociological Association, Sociology of Religion Group (SocRel)
School of Philosophy, Theology and Religion
University of Birmingham
Edgbaston, Birmingham
B15 2TT

Webinar: Quali-Quantitative Research on Religiosity in Italy


Webinars di presentazione delle pubblicazioni

(con il patrocinio dell’Associazione Italiana di Sociologia e delle Sezioni di Metodologia e Sociologia della Religione)

Ventidue anni dopo la ricerca su La religiosità in Italia (V. Cesareo, R. Cipriani, F. Garelli, C. Lanzetti, G. Rovati: Mondadori, Milano, 1995), l’indagine condotta nel 2017 riguarda 3238 intervistati con questionario e 164 soggetti (opportunamente selezionati) interpellati con interviste aperte (tipo UNI) o semidirettive (tipo MIX).

La stratificazione del campione qualitativo ha riguardato tre categorie relative al titolo di studio (livello dell’obbligo, diploma medio-superiore, laurea), alla distinzione di genere, alla residenza (piccoli comuni, comuni medi, grandi città), alla distribuzione geografica (nord, centro, sud e isole) ed all’età (giovani, adulti, anziani). Si è testata la soluzione di un’intervista completamente aperta, senza domande predefinite (tipo UNI): per quasi la metà del campione, cioè 78 casi, gli intervistatori hanno cercato di ottenere narrazioni, riflessioni, valutazioni ed interpretazioni non sollecitate attraverso domande specifiche sulla religiosità; per gli altri 86 soggetti consultati, la prima parte dell’intervista è stata interamente libera e la seconda ha riguardato alcuni concetti-stimoli (tipo MIX): la vita quotidiana e festiva, la felicità ed il dolore, la vita e la morte, Dio, la preghiera, le istituzioni religiose e papa Francesco.

I risultati dell’analisi qualitativa sono stati corroborati anche da sofisticati strumenti analitici (alcuni anche quantitativi), tra cui: il programma T2K (Text to Knowledge), l’analisi delle corrispondenze lessicali, la procedura VoSpec (Vocabulaire Spécifique des Groupes d’individus), la social network analysis e la grounded theory. Inoltre un foglio di analisi simile ad un questionario semi-strutturato è stato applicato ai testi delle interviste, con l’intenzione di individuare modelli, valori e rappresentazioni ricorrenti.

In definitiva è stata implementata una serie di soluzioni che rientrano fra i mixed methods.





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Sabato 10 aprile 2021, ore 10-12

Franco Garelli, Gente di poca fede. Il sentimento religioso nell’Italia incerta di Dio, il Mulino, Bologna, 2020, pp. 256.

Moderatore: Vittorio Cotesta

Relatori: Giuseppe Giordan, Roberta Ricucci

Correlatrice: Sonia Stefanizzi

Sabato 17 aprile 2021, ore 10-12

Roberto Cipriani, L’incerta fede. Un’indagine quanti-qualitativa in Italia, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2020, pp. 500.

Moderatore: Enzo Pace

Relatori: Maria Carmela Agodi, Costantino Cipolla

Correlatore: Marco Marzano

Venerdì 14 maggio 2021, ore 17-19

Cecilia Costa, Barbara Morsello (a cura di), Incerta religiosità. Forme molteplici del credere, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2020, pp. 256.

Moderatrici: Cecilia Costa, Barbara Morsello

Relatrici: Milena Gammaitoni, Katiuscia Carnà, Eleonora Sparano, Martina Lippolis

Correlatrice: Verónica Roldán

Venerdì 21 maggio 2021, ore 17-19

Alberto Quagliata (a cura di), Il dogma inconsapevole. Analisi del fenomeno religioso in Italia: il contributo qualitativo della Grounded Theory costruttivista, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2020, pp. 146.

Moderatore: Alberto Quagliata

Relatrici: Lavinia Bianchi, Patrizia Ascione

Correlatrice: Martina Lippolis

Venerdì 28 maggio 2021, ore 14,30-16,30

Roberto Cipriani, Maria Paola Faggiano, Maria Paola Piccini, La religione dei valori diffusi. Intervista qualitativa e approccio misto di analisi, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2020, pp. 190.

Moderatore: Maria Paola Faggiano

Relatrici: Raffaella Gallo, Maria Dentale, Marina Lippolis

Correlatore: Gianni Losito

Sabato 29 maggio 2021, ore 10-12

Gabriella Punziano, Le parole della fede. Espressioni, forme e dimensioni della religiosità tra pratiche e sentire in Italia, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2020, pp. 178.

Moderatrice: Enrica Amaturo

Relatori: Antonio Camorrino, Amalia Caputo, Augusto Cocorullo

Correlatrice: Rita Bichi

Martedì 8 giugno 2021, ore 10-12

Andrea Cimino, Felice Dell’Orletta, Giulia Venturi (a cura di), La fede dichiarata. Un’analisi linguistico-computazionale, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2021.

Moderatrice: Simonetta Montemagni

Relatori: Andrea Cimino, Felice Dell’Orletta, Giulia Venturi

Correlatori: Domenico Schiattone, Martina Lippolis 

Per ulteriori informazioni sulle pubblicazioni:

Life on the Breadline End of Project Conference

Life on the Breadline End of Project Conference – online, 24-25th June 2021, 10am to 4.15pm UK-time

A two-day online conference from the Life on the Breadline project team as the culmination of three years of research into Christian responses to UK poverty in the context of austerity.

The conference will combine sessions with presentations and Q&A, and interactive workshops.  Sessions at the conference will include presentations from the Life on the Breadline project team – Chris Shannahan, Robert Beckford, Peter Scott and Stephanie Denning – on the research findings, plus interactive workshops on researching poverty, asset-based community development, and Black Church responses to austerity, and guest speakers Dr Naomi Maynard (Together Liverpool) and P​rofessor Anthony Reddie (University of Oxford and University of South Africa).  At the conference we will also be launching the Anti-Poverty Charter which is being developed in consultation with research participants in the Life on the Breadline research.

The anticipated audience for the conference is theology and social science academics, church leaders, and practitioners in church and poverty response settings.  The majority of sessions are aimed at all three audiences, and the target audience is noted alongside each session in the provisional conference programme.

To find out more including the provisional conference programme, and to book your free place visit the Life on the Breadline website at

Call for Papers: Ecclesiology & Ethnography Conference 2021

Call for Papers: Durham 2021

Ecclesiology and Ethnography Conference,
Durham University, 21st-23rd September 2021

This conference is part of The Network for Ecclesiology & Ethnography, which seeks to draw together scholars working with theological approaches to qualitative research on the Christian Church. We welcome papers that explore the dynamic relationship between the theological and the lived-in ecclesiology. It is a wide-ranging conference, and part of the joy is discovering a diversity of specialisms. Past papers have included ethnography, systematic theology, ecclesiology, practical theology and social science approaches. Attendees range from senior scholars to doctoral students and local ministers. This is also an excellent place to present as a post graduate or early career researcher, or as a pastor/scholar in ministry. Learning is generously shared and critiques are supportive.

There are three types of paper sessions at the Durham Conference:

  • Plenary Sessions (60 minutes)
  • Track Sessions (45 minutes)
  • Seminar Sessions (30 minutes)

Out of all the submitted papers, the conference committee selects 5 – 8 Keynote Papers for the Plenary Sessions. The Keynote Papers are selected based on quality (level of completion, originality, etc.), relevance (thematic, theoretical, methodological, etc.), and representation (nationality, gender, etc.).

The Track Sessions are for Researchers holding a PhD (or equivalent) whereas the Seminar Sessions are for PhD-students and Practitioners. In recent years we have been able to make space for all the submitted papers. In the event of more papers than the time allows for, a waiting list will be organized.

Please note: we will communicate in a timely fashion any information regarding the impact of COVID restrictions. Please make arrangements according to international travel regulations. If we are unable to meet in person, we will hold an online conference or a blended conference. In these circumstances, we will adapt the conference and presentation of papers accordingly.

How to submit a paper proposal for The Durham Conference
  1. Fill out the electronic form, including a short paper proposal.
  2. Wait for a response. You should receive a response within a week. If, for any reason, you do not receive feedback within reasonable time – human and digital errors do occur, unfortunately – please contact the program coordinator at
  3. Remember to register. If your paper is accepted for presentation, you still have to register for the conference. After you have registered, your paper is formally accepted for presentation.
How to present a paper at The Durham Conference

By September 1st you should submit your paper in full text. Most papers tend to be 10–15 pages. All full text papers will be circulated to all registered participants a week ahead of the conference.

When presenting your paper, please leave approximately half the session’s allotted time to discussion. In other words, you will not have the time to read all of your paper in full length. An oral presentation of important points made in your paper normally works better.

There are projectors available in all conference rooms.

Only Plenary Sessions will be chaired. For the Track Sessions and Seminar Sessions, presenters in the same session are encouraged to chair each other’s papers.

Submission Guidelines

To propose a paper, please complete our online form by 31st May.  All paper proposals will be reviewed and we’ll let you know the status of your proposal ASAP. If you have any questions please email the Conference Team: Dr Knut Tveitereid (Academic Coordinator) at (please note: this email address has changed) or Professor Pete Ward (Conference Founder and Host) at or Dr Gretchen Schoon Tanis (Conference Coordinator) at

Propose a paper

Call for Papers: Migration & Muslim Population (SISR/ISSR conference)

Dear colleagues,

I am chairing this session for the 2021 SISR/ISSR Conference detailed in the following link:

Migration and Muslim Population: Muslims In The West And Religious Minorities In The Islamic Societies

ABSTRACT Submission Deadline: 28 February 2021

With best wishes,


The idea is to die young as late as possible” Ashley Montagu (1905 – 1999).

Call for Papers: SISR/ISSR session on Religion and Social Theory, July 12-15 2021

The International Society for the Sociology of Religion will meet online this year from 12-15 July.  We are seeking papers in French or English on the role of social theory in the sociological study of religion.  The deadline for submission is Feb 28th.

Click HERE for more information about the conference and a link to the submission page.

Religion And Social Theory // Religion Et Théorie Sociale


  • Jim Spickard – University of Redlands
  • Titus Hjelm – University of Helsinki

Session Abstract:

The aim of this session is to stimulate debate about theoretical ideas that have a bearing on the sociological study of religion.We welcome contributions from researchers applying both familiar and less familiar traditions of social theory to religious topics. We especially invite papers that connect sociological theories of religion to the social, cultural, and/or historical contexts in which they arise and/or are used. Such papers might explore what such shaping has prevented sociologists from seeing about religious life or, on the contrary, what such shaping has enabled sociologists to understand that theories generated in other contexts has not. We also welcome papers on other aspects of the relationship between religion and social theory.

Résumé de la session:

Le but de cette session est de stimuler le débat sur les idées théoriques ayant un impact sur l’étude sociologique de la religion.Nous acceptons les propositions de chercheurs mobilisant des théories connues comme moins connues sur des faits religieux. Nous invitons en particulier les soumissions qui font le lien entre les théories sociologiques de la religion et les contextes sociaux, culturels et historiques dans lesquels elles surgissent ou sont utilisées. Les propositions peuvent par exemple mettre en lumière les différentes facettes ou dimensions de la vie religieuse que ces différents usages des théories ont obscurcit ou même empêché de voir les sociologues de voir ou, à rebours, ce que ces usages ont permis de voir que d’autres théories n’ont pas vu. Nous accueillons également des propositions sur d’autres aspects de la relation entre théorie sociologique et religion.