‘Gary Bouma’s legacy in Sociology’ Session, 24 November 2021, 9.10-10.30am AEDT

Dear all,
You are invited to participate in the ‘Gary Bouma’s legacy in Sociology’ session, organised as part of TASA Thematic Week. This session has been made free for all participants.
There will be four presentations from international and Australian scholars, who will reflect on Gary’s life and scholarly works:

  • Jim Spickard – Gary’s Global Contribution to Sociology of Religion and International Societies
  • Lori Beaman – Gary’s contribution to the Religion and Diversity Project
  • Adam Possamai – Gary Bouma and the Australian Soul
  • Andrew Singleton and Anna Halafoff – Mentorship and Recent Scholarly Reflections

A time of reflection and discussion for all participants will follow.

A request: we are hoping to put together a photo slideshow as part of the session. If you have a photo taken with Gary, that you have permission to share in a public way, please send it to Enqi Weng at enqi.weng@deakin.edu.au by 5 November 2021 for possible inclusion.

We look forward to seeing you there.

Register here.

Paradox and Prophecy: Why the Study of Lived Catholicism Matters

Online: 15-16 November

The Lived Catholicism conference is a project of the Centre for Catholic Studies at Durham University. The conference is organised in conjunction with the Department of Catholic Studies, Duquesne University, in association with The Tablet.

More information can be found here: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/lived-catholicism-online-conference-tickets-161077734841

Online Chat about Proposed Mentoring Café

Socrel and M2M (Misogynoir to Mishpat) are hosting an online coffee chat on November 15th, between 1-2pm (UK Time). Our focus will be on the proposed launch of a joint Mentoring Café, and we would very welcome comments, feedback, and ideas from you all, regardless of background! Please consider joining us if you can, and letting us know what support you’d like to get/contribute. Feel free to join us for as long or as little as you want/can, and whenever is best for you during that time.

Nash (M2M), Mat, and Gillian will co-host the session – lunch & tea/coffee mugs are, of course, more than welcome! Zoom details can be found below.

We look forward to seeing you,

All the best,
Céline (Socrel Convenor)

Join Zoom Meeting: https://durhamuniversity.zoom.us/j/96215316513?pwd=eE0wZlkrR3M2ZTNSd0lKYWp3cHA3Zz09

Meeting ID: 962 1531 6513
Passcode: 207327

In Memoriam: Professor Gary Bouma, MDiv, MA, PhD, AM (1942-2021)

Dear Colleagues:
We are saddened by the news that Gary Bouma died at his home in Melbourne last Thursday morning, 19 August, in the company of his wife, Patricia. He was 79. After falling and breaking his leg in February, when he was otherwise fit and well, Gary experienced a number of debilitating medical conditions and, in the midst of all that, the death of his beloved son.

Gary was a long-time participant in international sociology and a leader in the sociology of religion in Australia.  His massive academic legacy includes over 30 books and 360 articles—with many still forthcoming. His most recent book, authored by Andrew Singleton, Anna Halafoff, Mary Lou Rasmussen and Gary, on Freedoms, Faiths and Futures: Teenage Australians on Religion, Sexuality and Diversity, arising from an ARC Discovery Project, was published in April this year. As well as landmark works on the sociology of Australian religion, including Australian Soul, he reshaped Australian understanding of religion in numerous areas including interreligious understanding, human rights, religion and youth, education and public policy. His work reached far beyond the academy, with notable policy work including the Human Rights Commission’s 2011 inquiry into Freedom of Religion and Belief in 21st Century Australia; chairing the Board of Directors for The Parliament of the World’s Religions in 2009; and numerous interventions in public debate in areas such as religious diversity, gender and sexuality, Islamophobia and the place of religion in schools.

Gary came to Australia in 1979, joining Monash University, where he remained for the next 42 years, becoming Emeritus Professor in 2008, after serving in numerous roles including Professor of Sociology, DVC Research, and Head of School. In 2005, he was appointed UNESCO Chair in Inter-Cultural and Inter-Religious Relations. He led the Australian node of the University of Ottawa-based Religion and Diversity Project, and was a leading figure in other distinguished national and international research collaborations. In 2013, he was awarded AM for services to Sociology, to interreligious relations and to the Anglican Church of Australia.

He was also an ordained minister in the Anglican church and at the time of his death was Honorary Assistant Priest at St Johns, East Malvern.

Gary’s funeral will be on Thursday, 26 August at 11:00 am AEST (that is 9:00 pm Wednesday, 25 August US EST) and will be live-streamed. The State of Victoria’s COVID regulations currently restrict the number of people attending funerals to ten, plus those required for the conduct of the funeral.  The link to the funeral is https://www.selwynallenfunerals.com.au/upcoming-services . Scroll down to find Gary.

Webinar on Roberto Cipriani’s new volume–Saturday April 17, 2021

sabato 17 aprile 2021 (ore 10:00-12:00) proseguirà il ciclo di webinars di presentazione e discussione delle pubblicazioni relative alla ricerca sulla Religiosità in Italia.

Il secondo webinar sarà dedicato al volume di Roberto Cipriani, L’incerta fede. Un’indagine quanti-qualitativa in Italia (FrancoAngeli) e vedrà la partecipazione di Enzo Pace, Maria Carmela Agodi, Costantino Cipolla e Marco Marzano.

Per partecipare: https://bit.ly/3mohmqa

La registrazione del precedente webinar si può trovare qui: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BACkvaB-UNM

Cordiali saluti,
La Segreteria Organizzativa
Ricerca sulla Religiosità in Italia


Dear Colleague,

On Saturday 17 April 2021 (10:00-12:00) the cycle of webinars for the presentation and discussion of publications relating to research on Religiosity in Italy will continue.

The second webinar will be dedicated to Roberto Cipriani’s volume, L’incerta fede. Un’indagine quanti-qualitativa in Italia (FrancoAngeli) and will see the participation of Enzo Pace, Maria Carmela Agodi, Costantino Cipolla and Marco Marzano.

To participate: https://bit.ly/3mohmqa

The recording of the previous webinar can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BACkvaB-UNM

Kind regards,
the Organising Secretariat
Research on Religiosity in Italy
Religiosità in Italia

Documentaire: Mémoires de missionnaires catholiques en Amérique latine.

Le Centre de recherche Société, Droit et Religions de l’Université de Sherbrooke (SoDRUS) vous invite à la projection du documentaire du Professeur Maurice Demers, qui aura lieu le vendredi 16 avril 2021. 

Mémoires de missionnaires catholiques en Amérique latine. Militance et droits humains pendant la guerre froide

Date : 16 avril 2021
Heure : 10h

Lieu : Centre judiciaire, Faculté de droit, local A9-130
Diffusion simultanée sur Zoom (lien ci-dessous)

L’arrivée de près de deux mille missionnaires catholiques canadiens en Amérique latine dans les années 1960 a transformé l’Église missionnaire au Québec; l’institution les représentants, l’Entraide missionnaire, s’alignant progressivement sur la Théologie de la libération qui prônait une plus grande justice pour les populations marginalisées et appauvries comme la plupart de ceux et celles qui sont allés en Amérique latine, une politisation du missionnariat qui a causé bien des remous au sein des communautés religieuses. Ce documentaire donne la parole à ces missionnaires qui ont œuvré en faveur des droits de la personne.

Inscription obligatoire, 35 places disponibles. Envoyez votre demande d’inscription à l’adresse suivante : sodrus@usherbrooke.ca.

Merci de diffuser l’information dans vos réseaux.

Au plaisir de vous y voir,
Raphaël Mathieu Legault-Laberge, Ph.D.
Coordonnateur et chercheur partenaire au SoDRUS

Webinar: Quali-Quantitative Research on Religiosity in Italy


Webinars di presentazione delle pubblicazioni

(con il patrocinio dell’Associazione Italiana di Sociologia e delle Sezioni di Metodologia e Sociologia della Religione)

Ventidue anni dopo la ricerca su La religiosità in Italia (V. Cesareo, R. Cipriani, F. Garelli, C. Lanzetti, G. Rovati: Mondadori, Milano, 1995), l’indagine condotta nel 2017 riguarda 3238 intervistati con questionario e 164 soggetti (opportunamente selezionati) interpellati con interviste aperte (tipo UNI) o semidirettive (tipo MIX).

La stratificazione del campione qualitativo ha riguardato tre categorie relative al titolo di studio (livello dell’obbligo, diploma medio-superiore, laurea), alla distinzione di genere, alla residenza (piccoli comuni, comuni medi, grandi città), alla distribuzione geografica (nord, centro, sud e isole) ed all’età (giovani, adulti, anziani). Si è testata la soluzione di un’intervista completamente aperta, senza domande predefinite (tipo UNI): per quasi la metà del campione, cioè 78 casi, gli intervistatori hanno cercato di ottenere narrazioni, riflessioni, valutazioni ed interpretazioni non sollecitate attraverso domande specifiche sulla religiosità; per gli altri 86 soggetti consultati, la prima parte dell’intervista è stata interamente libera e la seconda ha riguardato alcuni concetti-stimoli (tipo MIX): la vita quotidiana e festiva, la felicità ed il dolore, la vita e la morte, Dio, la preghiera, le istituzioni religiose e papa Francesco.

I risultati dell’analisi qualitativa sono stati corroborati anche da sofisticati strumenti analitici (alcuni anche quantitativi), tra cui: il programma T2K (Text to Knowledge), l’analisi delle corrispondenze lessicali, la procedura VoSpec (Vocabulaire Spécifique des Groupes d’individus), la social network analysis e la grounded theory. Inoltre un foglio di analisi simile ad un questionario semi-strutturato è stato applicato ai testi delle interviste, con l’intenzione di individuare modelli, valori e rappresentazioni ricorrenti.

In definitiva è stata implementata una serie di soluzioni che rientrano fra i mixed methods.





Partecipa tramite computer o app per dispositivi mobili a partire da 30 minuti prima dell’inizio

CTRL + clic sul seguente link per collegarsi:



Sabato 10 aprile 2021, ore 10-12

Franco Garelli, Gente di poca fede. Il sentimento religioso nell’Italia incerta di Dio, il Mulino, Bologna, 2020, pp. 256.

Moderatore: Vittorio Cotesta

Relatori: Giuseppe Giordan, Roberta Ricucci

Correlatrice: Sonia Stefanizzi

Sabato 17 aprile 2021, ore 10-12

Roberto Cipriani, L’incerta fede. Un’indagine quanti-qualitativa in Italia, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2020, pp. 500.

Moderatore: Enzo Pace

Relatori: Maria Carmela Agodi, Costantino Cipolla

Correlatore: Marco Marzano

Venerdì 14 maggio 2021, ore 17-19

Cecilia Costa, Barbara Morsello (a cura di), Incerta religiosità. Forme molteplici del credere, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2020, pp. 256.

Moderatrici: Cecilia Costa, Barbara Morsello

Relatrici: Milena Gammaitoni, Katiuscia Carnà, Eleonora Sparano, Martina Lippolis

Correlatrice: Verónica Roldán

Venerdì 21 maggio 2021, ore 17-19

Alberto Quagliata (a cura di), Il dogma inconsapevole. Analisi del fenomeno religioso in Italia: il contributo qualitativo della Grounded Theory costruttivista, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2020, pp. 146.

Moderatore: Alberto Quagliata

Relatrici: Lavinia Bianchi, Patrizia Ascione

Correlatrice: Martina Lippolis

Venerdì 28 maggio 2021, ore 14,30-16,30

Roberto Cipriani, Maria Paola Faggiano, Maria Paola Piccini, La religione dei valori diffusi. Intervista qualitativa e approccio misto di analisi, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2020, pp. 190.

Moderatore: Maria Paola Faggiano

Relatrici: Raffaella Gallo, Maria Dentale, Marina Lippolis

Correlatore: Gianni Losito

Sabato 29 maggio 2021, ore 10-12

Gabriella Punziano, Le parole della fede. Espressioni, forme e dimensioni della religiosità tra pratiche e sentire in Italia, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2020, pp. 178.

Moderatrice: Enrica Amaturo

Relatori: Antonio Camorrino, Amalia Caputo, Augusto Cocorullo

Correlatrice: Rita Bichi

Martedì 8 giugno 2021, ore 10-12

Andrea Cimino, Felice Dell’Orletta, Giulia Venturi (a cura di), La fede dichiarata. Un’analisi linguistico-computazionale, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2021.

Moderatrice: Simonetta Montemagni

Relatori: Andrea Cimino, Felice Dell’Orletta, Giulia Venturi

Correlatori: Domenico Schiattone, Martina Lippolis 

Per ulteriori informazioni sulle pubblicazioni: https://www.ciprianiroberto.it/ricerca-sulla-religiosita-in-italia/




Life on the Breadline End of Project Conference

Life on the Breadline End of Project Conference – online, 24-25th June 2021, 10am to 4.15pm UK-time

A two-day online conference from the Life on the Breadline project team as the culmination of three years of research into Christian responses to UK poverty in the context of austerity.

The conference will combine sessions with presentations and Q&A, and interactive workshops.  Sessions at the conference will include presentations from the Life on the Breadline project team – Chris Shannahan, Robert Beckford, Peter Scott and Stephanie Denning – on the research findings, plus interactive workshops on researching poverty, asset-based community development, and Black Church responses to austerity, and guest speakers Dr Naomi Maynard (Together Liverpool) and P​rofessor Anthony Reddie (University of Oxford and University of South Africa).  At the conference we will also be launching the Anti-Poverty Charter which is being developed in consultation with research participants in the Life on the Breadline research.

The anticipated audience for the conference is theology and social science academics, church leaders, and practitioners in church and poverty response settings.  The majority of sessions are aimed at all three audiences, and the target audience is noted alongside each session in the provisional conference programme.

To find out more including the provisional conference programme, and to book your free place visit the Life on the Breadline website at https://breadlineresearch.coventry.ac.uk/events/end-of-project-conference/

Book launch: Islam and the Liberal State

Online event: Thu, 22 April 2021, 17:00 – 18:30 BST

You are warmly invited to the launch of Stephen H. Jones’s book ‘Islam and the Liberal State’, published by IB Tauris in November 2020. In the book Jones narrates a gradual but, he argues, decisive shift in British Islamic institutions since Muslims settled in the UK in large numbers in the 1950s. Drawing on this narrative, he makes the case for a variety of liberalism that is open to the expression of religious arguments in public and to associations between religious groups and the state.

The event will be chaired by Daniel Nilsson DeHanas and will feature an introduction from the author as well as panel responses from Alyaa Ebbiary, Yahya Birt and Khadijah Elshayyal.

For more details and to register, see the following link:


Theological Action Research Training Day

Event Information


Date of Event

6th January 2021
Last Booking Date for this Event

4th January 2021

The training is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to embark on your own theological action research project. 

The day is run by Dr Helen Cameron, Research Associate of the Centre for Baptist Studies at Regent’s Park College, Oxford and Dr James Butler, postdoctoral researcher at the University of Roehampton and MA lecturer at the Church Mission Society, Oxford.

The day runs from 2.30pm to 8.30pm (UK time).  It will be interactive and conversational and take place over Zoom.

  • Early Bird Fees (now until 30/11/2020):  Waged Researcher £45;  Doctoral student £30.     
  • Standard fee (1/12/2020 – 4/1/2021): Waged Researcher £50; Doctoral student £35.
