Last month, we met at the University of Calabria in Italy to discuss our latest work package, which focused on accommodation, regeneration and exclusion of asylum seekers and refugees in our localities. Four stakeholders from each of our country cases were invited to join our discussions, providing their own perspectives on what issues are facing Europe’s refugees and asylum seekers.
During our time in Calabria, we also visited a number of SPRAR projects in the region. Our Co-I, Tim Peace, has written a blog detailing these visits, and how the projects we visited are likely to be impacted by the recent ‘Salvini decrees’. One of our visits even featured in the local press!
Our Project Team have also been busy attending events, and publishing their own work. Our Co-I, Josie Christodoulou attended an event at the UN in New York on trafficking, while our team from Scotland will participate in the New Scots Evidence Group. Our Swedish Team also presented findings from their research through GLIMER at the Göthenborg Book Fair, and will be presenting results from our current work package at the ‘Refugees, Borders and Membership’ conference in Malmö later this month.
Since our last newsletter, our Research Fellow, Emma Hill, has also written a blogcommenting on the possible evictions of asylum seekers in Glasgow by their accommodation provider, Serco. This story is ongoing, as legal battles against Serco continue, so expect more on this in the coming months.
Website: Media Page
We recently added a media page to our website! This page will include all our media appearances, and any videos, or photos we take during the project. Here you’ll find the recent media coverage of our visit to Mendicino where we met some of the employees of their SPRAR project, and the refugees who now live in the community.
Stakeholder Opinions
During our recent stakeholder meeting in Calabria, we asked those who attended what they thought was the biggest challenge for the integration of refugees in Europe, and how they would approach this challenge.
Our visit to SPRAR projects in Calabria – now at risk due to the ‘Salvini decree’
In September, we held our second consortium meeting at the University of Calabria. As part of our meeting we visited local SPRAR (Protection System for Asylum Seekers and Refugees) projects, and met those who work in, and benefit from them. In this blog, our Co-Investigator, Tim Peace, details our experience, and analyses the impact current government legislation is likely to have on these projects.
Tim and Erica will also be presenting research on refugee accommodation from our current work package at the ‘Refugees, Borders and Membership’ conference at Malmö University.
There are 200 registered participants, 13 workshops that will cover a wide range of important themes, 135 paper presentations and two keynote speakers.
On 27 September, Erica also gave a talk based on results from the GLIMER project at the Götenborg Book Fair.
Our Swedish Team at Malmö University, along with the Municipality of Eslöv, The National Employment Agency, Eslövs folkhögskola are also part of an application for funding to increase collaboration and knowledge exchange of the reception of refugees in the Municipality of Eslöv. It is hoped that if accepted, this funding will further affirm the results of GLIMER’s research.
Our PI, Nasar Meer, published a a number of items recently:
Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare (MIM) is hosting the next annual IMISCO conference from 26 to 28 June. The theme will be ‘Understanding International Migration in the 21st Century: Conceptual and Methodological Approaches’. The call for paper and panel proposals will open soon.
GLIMER received funding in the framework of the Joint Programming Initiative Urban Europe, with support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 693443.
School of Social and Political Science
The University of Edinburgh
Scotland, UK