Conference Venue: St. Bernhard in Rastatt (near Karlsruhe) / GERMANY
Sociological research on religion is empirically and thematically diverse.
Since the classical authors, religion has been identified as a mirror and
as a place of social change. With its integrative and contentious
potentials, as well as its continuities and discontinuities, religion is
also currently a central object of sociological interest; it allows an
exemplary reflection on social processes of transformation and
stabilisation. This leads to multifaceted research on religious realities,
both in European societies and in other world regions. In order to
highlight the relations between religion and society, the Section on
Sociology of Religion in the German Sociological Association (DGS)
invites scholars to its VIth Open Conference, to present diverse,
empirically and theoretically oriented contributions from a sociology of
religion perspective.
Research themes may concern institutional conditions and organisational
forms of religious practice, religious knowledge and beliefs, the
configuration of power relations in the religious field, religious gender
relations, processes of professionalisation or the diversification of
religiosity towards popular religion and spiritualisation, religious
movements, emotions and ritual forms or religious biographies, the
negotiation of religious practices and identities in migration contexts or
the representation of religiosity in the public sphere. Contributions to
varying topics and areas are very welcome. A special focus of the
conference is on methodological questions; several panels will be reserved
for the discussion of this issue. The conference offers the opportunity to
present and discuss different theoretical perspectives and empirical
approaches (quantitative and qualitative) – and to network.The conference
welcomes the presentation of current research projects and the discussion
of topics that do not fit into the thematically focused events of the
section. Junior scholars are particularly invited to submit abstracts. The
primary language of the conference is German, however English papers are
very welcome.
Deadline: Please submit abstracts of 250 words (in .doc or .pdf format)
by May, 31st 2017 to the three organisers listed below:
Marc Breuer, Katholische Hochschule NRW, Paderborn,
Uta Karstein, Universität Leipzig,
Kornelia Sammet, Universität Leipzig,