5th to 7th September 2012
The Divinity School, St John’s College, Cambridge, CB2 1TW
The fact that religion has not privatised, but remains an important aspect of public life, is now well recognised. But talk of ‘public
religion’ can be vague and unfocused. The aim of this conference is to explore – with new findings – the forms which public religion is taking today, not only in the West, but elsewhere in an increasingly connected world.
The conference streams indicate the main arenas in relation to which public religion will be discussed, and on which papers are invited. Additional suggestions are also welcome:
– The Market and Religion
– Politics and Religion
– Law and Religion
– Religion, Media and Civil Society
– Violence (State and Non-state) and Religion
– Religion in Public Places and Spaces
– Religion, Health and Welfare
– Religion and Education
– Religion and Migration
The conference will showcase thirty or so projects funded by the Religion and Society Programme which have new findings in this area. These will be supplemented by the papers received through this open call.
Individual paper proposals (max. 200 words) should be submitted to:
Peta Ainsworth: p.ainsworth@lancaster.ac.uk by 30th April 2012.
The conference is subsidised by the sponsors and costs £100 per delegate, £50 for postgraduates/unwaged (for the entire conference) or £50 per day, £25 for postgraduates/unwaged. The conference fee excludes
accommodation and evening meals.
For further details and registration go to:
A limited number of bursaries are available for postgraduates in the UK who need to travel some distance to Cambridge. Please send an email with your registration form to Peta Ainsworth stating in one paragraph
why you require assistance and how much your travel costs will be.