We are pleased to invite scholars to take part in the first conference
of the Irish Society for the Academic Study of Religions (ISASR).
The Conference will take place Fri-Sat May 25th – 26th, 2012 and is open
to scholars of all disciplines that approach religions, both past and
present, from a non-theological, critical, analytical and cross-cultural
perspective. We invite papers from scholars working in Ireland on all
aspects of religion both at home and globally, and from scholars
worldwide who work on religions in Ireland or themes connected with
Ireland. As this is the first conference of ISASR, paper proposals on
any aspect of religion, both in Ireland and the wider world that
contribute to Ireland’s engagement with the academic study of religions,
will be considered. For information on this newly formed society, see:
http://isasr.wordpress.com/ .
Please send a 150-200 word abstract for papers to James Kapalo
(j.kapalo@ucc.ie) by closing date Friday March 2nd, 2012. Notification
of abstract acceptance will be given by April 2nd, 2012.
Further information on the ISASR Conference 2012 will be posted at