Three collaborating research fellowships/postdocs at Uppsala University: “Religion & Migration”

Three collaborating research fellowships/postdocs on the theme “Religion and Migration: Challenges for Society, Law and Democracy”

  • Time period January 1st 2017 – May 31st 2018 (17 months)
  • 75% of full-time working time   

The research fellowships will be part of the multidisciplinary research programme The Impact of Religion: Challenges for Society, Law and Democracy (IMPACT) at Uppsala Religion and Society Research Centre (CRS), Uppsala University. Last application date September 15th 2016. For further details and full announcement see:

4 PhD positions – University of Padova

The International joint PhD program in “Human Rights, Society, and
Multi-level Governance” is pleased to announce a call for applications
for 4 PhD scholarships.

The Joint PhD degree in “Human Rights, Society, and Multi-level
Governance” is a three-year, interdisciplinary, joint academic
program managed by Universities in Australia, Croatia, Greece,
Italy, coordinated by the University of Padova (Italy).

Please note that the deadline is June 17, 2016.

Please find more info at

Una spiritualità post-secolare

Una spiritualità post-secolare

Padova, 6 giugno 2016


Incontro di studio con il sociologo Luigi Berzano e il teologo Giovanni Trabucco,

promosso dalle specializzazioni in teologia spirituale di Fttr e Ftis.



Si svolgerà quest’anno nella sede padovana l’appuntamento che unisce le specializzazioni in teologia spirituale di Padova e Milano nell’approfondimento di alcuni temi cruciali per il nostro tempo. Una spiritualità post-secolare è il titolo dell’incontro di studio proposto lunedì 6 giugno (Padova, Istituto teologico Sant’Antonio dottore, via San Massimo 25, ore 9.30-13) dal biennio di specializzazione in teologia spirituale della Facoltà teologica del Triveneto e dal Centro studi di spiritualità della Facoltà teologica dell’Italia settentrionale.

Sul tema interverranno Luigi Berzano (sociologo, Università di Torino), con una relazione dal titolo Una spiritualità post-secolare. Provocazioni per il credente, e Giovanni Trabucco (teologo, Facoltà teologica dell’Italia settentrionale-Milano) su Pensiero a-teologico e fede in Dio.


Per le scienze delle religioni la spiritualità è oggi, ancor più che religione, una categoria interpretativa delle profonde trasformazioni che la secolarizzazione continua a produrre sia nella scena pubblica che nella sfera personale degli individui. Nelle società contemporanee si moltiplicano nuove forme di spiritualità al di fuori delle grandi tradizioni religiose, con un distacco tra religioni organizzate e spiritualità individuali e con la sperimentazione di altri alfabeti del religioso.

In particolare, il sociologo Luigi Berzano, nel suo ultimo volume Spiritualità senza Dio? apre il nuovo campo di ricerca sulle spiritualità sia di individui che dichiarano di non appartenere a nessuna religione sia di individui che, pur appartenendo a una religione, hanno uno stile di vita che non discende dalla propria tradizione religiosa e vivono parte della loro vita come se Dio non ci fosse, nell’imitazione, spesso, di tendenze, mode, soggetti significativi, mass media. Questa prospettiva entrerà in dialogo con quella della teologia fondamentale, espressa da Giovanni Trabucco, nell’articolazione del nesso tra fede nel vangelo e verità dell’umano, che interroga l’esistenza nella sua ricerca di Dio, nella “perdita” della fede, nello stile di vita cristiano.


Per informazioni sul seminario, rivolto particolarmente ai docenti di spiritualità: tel. 049-8200711, email




Bristol Ethnicity Centre: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Individual Fellowship

Call for Expressions of Interest for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Individual Fellowship

The Centre for the Study of Ethnicity and Citizenship would like to invite Expressions of Interest from postdoctoral researchers to apply for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Individual Fellowship.

The Centre for the Study of Ethnicity andCitizenship recognises the importance of ethnicity and migration to the study of contemporary societies and polities, and to prospects for social justice and social cohesion. Based in the School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies (SPAIS), the Centre co-ordinates and promotes the study of ethnicity in three broad areas:

–          Ethnicity, politics and citizenship: the politics of multiculturalism and other forms of ‘difference’, including gendered ethnicity and ethno-religious identities, challenges to secularism, the nation-state and the emergence of new forms of political participation and governance.

–          Ethnicity and inequalities: racialised exclusion, inter-generational poverty, labour markets, education, ethnic stratification and social mobility, ethnic competition.

–          Migration and transnational networks: labour migration, the family, gender and migration; elite and non-elite mobilities, migration policy; transnationalism and diaspora.

Cross-cutting these themes is a distinctive approach combining research into political discourses and socio-economic structures, with an interest in everyday practices, culture, and experience, on the one hand, and normative theory on the other.

With the growth of the Muslim populations in western Europe and concerns about integration, a special regional and comparative focus has emerged on Muslims and the place of religion in public affairs.

Centre members collaborate with partners in the UK, the rest of Europe and North America, and are involved in global networks. Activities are pursued through funded research, publications, conferences and seminars, with public engagement being a priority. The international journal, Ethnicities published by Sage since 2001 is a flagship of the Centre, as is the Palgrave Politics of Identity and Citizenship book series.

The members of the Centre research staff and their interests can be seen at:

 General requirements of the Individual Fellowship:

Description of the MSCA Fellowship Program

The purpose of the MSCA Individual Fellowship (IF) is to support the mobility of researchers and help attract promising foreign researchers to work in the European context (EU Member States and Associated Countries) or outside Europe. The grant typically covers two years’ salary, a mobility allowance, research costs and overheads for the host institution.

The Centre invites Expressions of Interest from eligible candidates who will have completed their Phd by September who wish to work on any of the themes relating to the interests of any of the members of Centre staff.

Submitting an Expression of Interest

Potential candidates are asked to submit their  CV, a brief outline of the proposed research (max 2 pages) and a cover letter  highlighting why you believe this area of work will be suited to the Bristol Ethnicity Centre as the host institution (max 1 page).

Please submit these as a word document to no later than 12 pm on Thursday 23 June.

The successful applicant will then be provided with support to complete their application for the grant deadline of 14 September 2016.

Governing religion: Interfaith dialogue and organized cultural encounters

You are invited to the research seminar and joint PhD-course ‘Governing religion: Interfaith dialogue and organized cultural encounters’ held at University of Agder (UiA) in Kristiansand, Norway, on March 30 2016.

The seminar critically engages with the ways in which interfaith dialogue constitutes a means to govern religion and the religious, and it explores which forms of religion that are produced from these organized cultural encounters and raises questions as to which roles local government, migration and media play.

Two keynote lectures by international experts on interfaith dialogue, Mar Griera from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Lise Paulsen Galal from Roskilde University, will take place during the morning session. The rest of the seminar will take the form of a workshop and provide an opportunity for Ph.D.-students to present on-going Ph.D.-projects (app. 30-45 min. each) and receive comments from the lectures, commentators and fellow Ph.D.-students.

The seminar is free of charge. Lunch, coffee and tea will be provided as well as mandatory reading for the seminar (app. 3 texts). The seminar is open for all, but preregistration is necessary.

Deadline for registration: March 7 2016 to Louise Lund Liebmann (

For those PhD-students who want to present a paper: please add an abstract of 200 words.

Notification of paper acceptance will be given shortly after the deadline.


The seminar is organized by the research project ‘Conflicts in Mediatized Religious Environments’ (CoMRel) and University of Agder.


Summer School “Beyond the City Limits: Rethinking New Religiosities in Asia” – Göttingen, 18-22 July 2016

Göttingen Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology (GISCA)

Centre for Modern Indian Studies (CeMIS)

Centre for Modern East Asian Studies (CeMEAS)

CfA Summer School Göttingen SPIRIT 2016

Beyond the City Limits: Rethinking New Religiosities in Asia

18-22 July, 2016

University of Göttingen, Germany


With the rapid urbanization across Asia, with new cityscapes, glittering skyscrapers, shopping malls, globalized forms of consumption it is easy to assume that cities are the primary sites for the production of the new. Indeed, urbanity is often used as a synonym for modernity and Asian futures would appear to be increasingly urban. But if cities are the future, is the country then the past? Does the focus on cities as sites of “the new” ignore the complex ways rural contexts, settings and imaginaries are implicated and contribute to contemporary religious practice? And to what extent does the notion of “urban religion” implicitly depend on its “others”? Does it reproduce the urban/rural distinction as one of the “great divides” (Latour 1993) that have been central to the experience of modernity? This Summer School takes up these issues and asks how the study of contemporary religious life in Asia can benefit from “thinking beyond the city”, whether “the city” is understood as a spatial entity, a site of enquiry, or as an analytical category.

Application deadline: March 6, 2016. Successful applicants will be informed by mid-March.

Please find more information about the thematic scope, the speakers and the program and at

Istanbul Seminars 2016 | Call for Students and Scholars

Reset-Dialogues on Civilizations is glad to announce the 9th Istanbul Seminars, to be held on 24-28 May 2016 at the Istanbul Bilgi University. This email is to announce that applications are open for students and young scholars

Istanbul Seminars 2016 | 24-28 May 2016
Religion, Rights and the Public Sphere
Whereas religiously inspired social movements, political parties, institutions of charity make an important contribution to society in terms of civil life and social cohesion, every religion can also play a negative role in radicalizing identities, in making compromises more difficult, in provoking violence and wars. That religious traditions risk to be a double-edged sword is today particularly evident in the Muslim world, where democratization and modernization processes risk to be obliterated by radical Islam, terrorism, the escalation of the Shia-Sunni conflict. This rises important questions with regard to what makes religions contribute to the foundations and legitimacy of democracy and why, on the contrary, at times religions turn to be source of extremism and intolerance. What is the connection between religious radicalism and the colonial and postcolonial legacy? Is radical Islam a consequence of imposed and fragile state-building processes confiscated by secular authoritarian regimes or vice versa? Can it be explained by the collapse of nationalist and socialist ideologies or by underdevelopment and inequalities? Do religious doctrines bring forth the radicalization of identities quite autonomously and independently from the political and social context? Accordingly, the Istanbul Seminars ’16 will discuss how much religious pluralism is a matter of politics, law and economy and to what extent it is also a matter of theology.

Among the confirmed speakers so far: Mustafa Akyol, Zygmunt Bauman, Rajeev Bhargava, Seyla Benhabib, Manuel Castells, Dipesh Chakrabarty, Mohd Eiadat, Alessandro Ferrara, Silvio Ferrari, Nilüfer Göle, Peter Gordon, Amr Hamzawy, Elisabeth Shakman Hurd, Aleksandra Kania, Cristina Lafont, Ebrahim Moosa, Fabio Petito, David Rasmussen, Olivier Roy, Saskia Sassen, Richard Sennett, Ananya Vajpeyi, Michael Walzer (in video), Patrick Weil, Boyan Znepolski and many more.

Executive Committee of the Istanbul Seminars: Asaf Savaş Akat, Seyla Benhabib, Giancarlo Bosetti, Alessandro Ferrara, Abdou Filali-Ansary, Nina zu Fürstenberg, Nilüfer Göle, Ferda Keskin, David Rasmussen


Grants and enrollment:
As usual, there is no fee of attendance. Reset-Dialogues does not arrange travel and accommodation for participants, but is happy to provide information and support through its website. A limited number of small grants (up to 300 euros) for Undergraduates, Graduates, PhDs and Post PhDs, is available.

Granted applicants are required to attend the whole program 24-28 May.

The application deadline to apply for a grant is the 8th of April 2016. Applicants asking for a grant will be notified regarding the selection by April 15th.
The enrollment deadline to apply without asking for a grant is 15th May 2016.

A daily free lunch ticket to be spent at the Campus Cafeteria will be provided to all granted participants and to all enrolled participants.

Working groups:
Both granted students/scholars and not granted enrolled participants may ask for being part of the discussion working groups. Participants involved in the working groups will receive some reading material by April 30th. Each working group will discuss the preliminary readings and the speeches given by the Speakers. At the end of the program each working group will present the results to the audience. Working groups meet daily at the end of the sessions, for about one hour. Involvement in the working groups is not compulsory, but welcome.

Check regularly for updates

This event is organized and cosponsored by Reset-Dialogues on Civilizations and Istanbul Bilgi University

Intensive Training Programme: Research Methods in the Study of Religion

Research Methods in the Study of Religion

Intensive Training Programme, 8th-11th March 2016

Canterbury, Kent

We are pleased to announce that the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Kent is again offering its annual intensive methods training programme which is open to doctoral researchers based at any university within the EU. The sessions will run at the Canterbury Cathedral Lodge conference centre, in the grounds of Canterbury Cathedral, and will cover:

  • Key elements of research design
  • The politics and ethics of research

  • The role of social theory in social research

  • Rigour and validity in research

  • Public engagement with research on religion

  • Conceptualising religion for research

  • Conducting research interviews

* Ethnographic research

  • Using visual methods
  • Researching religion and media

  • Researching objects and spaces

  • Reflexivity and the role of the researcher’s ‘self’

  • The process of research supervision

  • Sessions will be delivered by researchers who have engaged with these issues specifically in the context of research on religion. Confirmed speakers are: Prof Gordon Lynch, Dr Abby Day and Dr Anna Strhan (University of Kent), Dr Jasjit Singh (University of Leeds), Dr Steph Berns (University of Lancaster), Dr Ruth Sheldon (Birkbeck College) and Dr Katherine Robinson (Goldsmiths)

    This is the fifth year that this programme has been run with more than 70 doctoral and early-career researchers having previously undertaken this training from across the UK and continental Europe.
    To apply for this programme, please email Gordon Lynch ( stating where you are currently studying, giving a brief description(no more than 150 words) of your current research project and a short explanation of how this training would be relevant to it by Friday 5th February​.
    The registration fee for this programme is £100. Meals and accommodation are not included in this. The Cathedral Lodge is in the centre of Canterbury and there are a number of good hotels and guest-houses within a short walking distance. Canterbury is less than an hour from London by train and so daily commuting to the programme from London would also be possible.
    If you have any further questions on this, please email Professor Gordon Lynch.

    Law and Religion Post-doc fellowship – Louvain-la-Neuve – BELGIUM – December 15th, 2015

    University of Louvain (UCL-Belgium) – Incoming post-doc fellowships – 
    Law and Religion
    New EU-MOVE IN post-doc fellowships of the Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) are offered to scientists of all nationalities in order to strengthen the realization of the European Research Area.
    They are assigned to researchers with a PhD degree (or equivalent), proving their expertise and research capacity by a personal scientific record. (Researchers with a maximum of 6 years of post-doc experience).
    The fellowships, granted for a stay lasting between 12 to 24 months in one of the UCLouvain research units, concern all fields of research activities dealt with by the UCLouvain.
    Within the UCL, the Law and Religions Unit, in the framework of a Pluridisciplinary Research Institute in Religious Studies Religions-Spiritualities-Cultures-Societies is specially ready to welcome high profile candidates to post-doc fellowships on Law and Religion topics (e.g. Multireligious Public Bodies — Sacred Texts before Secular Judges — Law and Spiritual Management — Law and post-secular firms — Religion and Azylum Law — European Monitoring on religious Freedom — Internal democracy within Religious Organizations in Comparative religious Law)
    Ultimate Deadline for this sub-call : December 15th, 2015.
    Contact for Law and Religion Post-doc : LL.CHRISTIANS@UCLOUVAIN.BE

    The post Law and Religion Post-doc fellowship – Louvain-la-Neuve – BELGIUM – December 15th, 2015 appeared first on ISA Research Committee 22.

    10 PhD scholarships and 10 non scholarship places at the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne

    Starting April 1st, 2016, the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne, the Graduate School of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Cologne, offers 10 PhD scholarships and 10 non scholarship places over a period of three years.
    The Graduate School – successful in the excellence initiative – wants to facilitate the completion of the doctorate through a structured program and intensive individual mentorship within an interdisciplinary environment. In doing so the Graduate School follows a concept of the Humanities beyond the dichotomy between the so-called cultural sciences and the humanities. Of special significance are hermeneutical and historico contextual knowledge models, which comprise the genesis and invention of knowledge, as well as the processes of reception and transculturation and their anthropological and ethical conditions.
    Please send applications until October 23th, 2015 (application receipt) to:
    a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne
    University of Cologne
    Dr. Artemis Klidis-Honecker
    Albertus Magnus Platz
    50923 Köln
    For further information on a.r.t.e.s. and the application procedure see
    For more information, please visit or contact

    The post 10 PhD scholarships and 10 non scholarship places at the a.r.t.e.s. Graduate School for the Humanities Cologne appeared first on ISA Research Committee 22.