Pilgrimage and Relics
23 – 26 May 2013, Dubrovnik, Croatia
Conference organizers:
Mathieu Boisvert, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada, Boisvert.mathieu@uqam.ca.
Francis Brassard, American College of Management and Technology, Croatia, frbrassard@gmail.com.
Conference description:
This international conference aims at gathering a small number of scholars – carefully selected – who specialise on pilgrimage and relics, belonging to various academic fields and focussing on various religious traditions. The main objective is to articulate the notion of pilgrimage with that of relics, to demonstrate how relics participate to pilgrimage, or vice versa, how pilgrimage itself contributes to enhance relics. Papers must be well established in a social sciences perspective, may it be sociological, historical, anthropological, political or other.
The conference is limited to about thirty papers. Those will be selected by the scientific committee according to the quality of the proposed paper, of course, but also to ensure breadth in religious and disciplinary approaches of the theme.
Amongst the papers selected for presentation, the committee will choose about twelve of them for publication in a book on Pilgrimage and relics, book that will be released in Dubrovnik in June 2014. For more, please see
Important dates :
November 15th 2012 Deadline for submission of the abstract (500 words)
December 15th 2012 Notification of acceptance of papers for the conference
April 15th 2013 Deadline for reception of completed papers (15 to 20 pages, line spacing 1,5, font 12pts)
May 23rd – 26th 2013 Conference in Dubrovnik
May 31st Notification to candidates of selected papers for publication
September 2nd 2013 Reception of the final text for publication
June 2014 Launch of the book on Pilgrimage and relics in Dubrovnik
Abstracts can be presented in either English, Croatian or French.
Papers, however, must be delivered in English and the written version must also be in English.
Mathieu Boisvert
Département de sciences des religions
Université du Québec à Montréal