3rd Annual International Symposium on Multiculturalism Reclaiming Multiculturalism: Global Citizenship and Ethical Engagement with Diversity
Hosted by the Centre of Citizenship and Globalisation (CCG) in partnership with the Audiovisual Media Lab for the Study of Cultures and Societies (LAMACS) at the University of Ottawa
15-16 November 2012
Venue: The Richard Searby Room (hd 2.006) Melbourne Burwood Campus, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia
Multiculturalism has been vehemently criticised at the turn of the 21st century, and academics and state actors have made many recent efforts to ‘reframe’ and ‘rethink’ it. However, others have argued for the need to preserve multiculturalism, more or less in its original form, and to align it with other terms such as interculturalism, rather than replace it with new, and less developed, concepts.
Therefore, it is possible that the ‘multicultural turn’ needs to be rectified by restating the importance of multicultural and cosmopolitan principles. Anti-multicultural rhetoric, perpetuated by public figures and the media, has led to a rise of xenophobia that threatens the rights and safety of citizens. Rather than rejecting or reconfiguring multiculturalism this conference will explore whether multiculturalism can be reclaimed in culturally and religiously diverse societies as a foundation of ethical citizenship, social inclusion and peaceful societies.
Confirmed Speakers include:
* Professor Afef Benessaieh, Professor of International Studies, University of
* Emeritus Professor Gary Bouma, Professor of Sociology and UNESCO Chair in Intercultural and Interreligious Relations – Asia Pacific, Monash University
* Associate Professor Anita Harris, ARC Future Fellow, Monash University
* Dr Peter Kivisto, Chair of Sociology, Augustana College
* Professor Kevin McDonald, Director of the Centre for Cultural Diversity and Wellbeing, Victoria University
* Associate Professor Adam Possamai, Associate Professor in Sociology, University of Western Sydney
Call for Papers
The conference will bring together scholars, state and community actors specialising in the fields of multiculturalism, intercultural and interreligious relations across diverse disciplines and geographical regions. Participants will build on the discussions of previous CCG and AMLSCS symposia and debate multicultural, intercultural and interreligious policies, practices, theories, histories and
controversies. Papers should address the following themes:
§ Differences between Transculturalism, Interculturalism and Multiculturalism
§ Effects of Anti-multicultural and Anti-cosmopolitan Political and Media Rhetoric
§ Benefits and Challenges of Intercultural and Interreligious Dialogue and Action
§ Rights, Religion and Governance
§ Cosmopolitanism and Ethical Citizenship
§ Racism, Disempowerment and Recognition
§ Addressing Gender Inequalities in Multicultural and Multifaith Societies
§ Multiculturalism, Community Engagement and Countering Violent Extremism
§ Reconfiguring Self and Other in the Context of Plural Societies
This conference will include invited speakers and a limited number of additional presenters. Please send a 200 word abstract and a 100 word biography to citglob@deakin.edu.au<mailto:citglob@deakin.edu.au> by 31st August 2012.
Selected papers will be published in an edited volume and contribute to the submission of a special issue proposal to an international journal.
Download call for papers flyer<http://www.deakin.edu.au/arts-ed/ccg/events/conferences/12-reclaiming-multiculturalism/images/reclaiming-mulitculturalism-flyer.pdf>
Visit the Conference website for more details:
§ http://www.deakin.edu.au/arts-ed/ccg/events/conferences/12-reclaiming-multiculturalism/index.php