The programme ” agenda for a critical sociology of religions ” will hold its next workshop on 9 October 2019 in Paris, on the theme ” religious practices in the urban space. Geographical and social approaches “.
October 2019, 9, 14 pm-18 pm
48 bd. Jourdan, 75014 Paris
Salle R2-02
- 14 pm-14 pm Hugo Suarez (France-Unam, iheal sorbonne news). Religion in the streets: analysis of religious expressions in a popular neighborhood of Mexico city.
- 14 h50h-15 h40. Julie Picard (University of Bordeaux). Religious Territorialities of Christian African migrants: between identity dynamics and discreet urban reconstitutions.
- (Pause)
- 16 pm-16 pm David Garbin (University of Kent). Space-time of religious urbanization and territorial visions in the mega-cities.
- 16 h50 17 h40. Irene Becci (University of lausanne). Public Parks as religious heterotopias.
- 17 pm. General discussion
Atelier 7. Pratiques religieuses dans l’espace urbain (9 octobre 2019)
Le programme PSL “Agenda pour une sociologie critique des religions” tiendra son prochain atelier le 9 octobre 2019 à Paris, sur le thème…