The Sociology of Religion study group will be hosting its own stream plenary at the BSA Annual Conference, Challenging Social Hierarchies and Inequalities, Glasgow Caledonian University 24–26 April 2019.
The plenary is titled ‘Religion and The Good’ with keynote speakers, Prof Chris Baker (Goldsmiths), Prof Gordon Lynch (University of Kent) and Dr Marta Trzebiatowska (University of Aberdeen). The session is intended to explore the idea of the good and morality in shaping social life and how religion connects to such meaning making, while also exploring what does ‘the good’ mean in different spaces and spheres. It will consider how religion responds to notions of ‘the common good’ and the different forms morality and ethical meaning making might take within religions and beyond. The stream plenary is scheduled for 9:30-10:30 Thursday 25th April.
To register for the conference please visit: