Dear colleagues,
I’m happy to announce that we are ready to call for papers for the the 5th Israeli Conference for the Study of Contemporary Religion and Spirituality, which will be organized by the Program in Religious Studies at Tel Aviv University, 28-29 May 2013.
This conference will continue the tradition which was formed at the University of Haifa over the last four years, and which from now on will take place at Tel Aviv University. This event can be a good opportunity for researchers working outside of Israel to learn more about the country’s bustling New-Age ‘scene’ and about development in the research on contemporary spirituality in Israel.
The conference will include Keynote Lectures by Prof. Ronald Hutton (University of Bristol, UK), Prof. Jeffrey J. Kripal (Rice University, US) and Prof. James R. Lewis (University of Tromso, Norway).
We will of course be very happy to receive your own proposals by December 15 2012, addressed to Mr. Shai feraro (Conference Coordinator),