Inform < > is looking for a part-time Assistant Research Officer to work at its office, based at the London School of Economics. The post entails 14 working hours per week and has a starting salary of £13.49 (depending on qualifications and experience). Applicants should have at least a good Bachelor’s degree in an area related to the sociology of religion and be familiar with the methodology of the social sciences. Preference will be given to specialists in Islamic studies, particularly new Islamic movements.
Please contact Professor Eileen Barker at by 25th March 2012, attaching a cv, a statement as to why you are interested in the post and the email addresses of two referees.
Eileen Barker
Professor Emeritus of Sociology of Religion
London School of Economics
Houghton St
London WC2A 2AE
Tel: +44 (0)208 902 2048