Author Archives: Jim
CFP: Critical Approaches to the Study of Religion Conference
Queens University Belfast
Belfast, Northern Ireland
June 10, 2022 (welcome reception) – June 13, 2022
Co-sponsored by
The Center for Critical Research on Religion
The School of Social Sciences, Education, and Social Work
at Queen’s University Belfast
co-chairs: Veronique Altglas and Warren S. Goldstein
Theme: This conference aims to bring into conversation scholars of religion in the humanities and social sciences (including theology, religious studies, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, psychology, history, political science, and literature among others) who employ critical approaches to the study of religion. It is particularly interested in the development of critical theoretical frameworks in application to empirical research on religion. The conference will be organized around the following themes:
Session Topics:
1. The Critique of Religion
2. Critical Theology
3. Biblical Criticism
4. Marxism and Religion
5. Liberation Theology
6. Psychoanalytic Approaches to the Study of Religion
7. Critical Theory and Religion
8. Post-structural Approaches to the Study of Religion
9. Critical Religion
10. Critical Ethnographies
11. Post-colonialism, Race, and Religion
12. Religion, Gender, and Sexuality
13. Religion and the Environment
14. Religious and Political Conflict in Northern Ireland
Publications: Authors who deliver papers at the conference will be selectively invited to turn them into articles for special issues of the journal Critical Research on Religion (crr.sagepub.com) or book chapters in edited volumes in the book series “Studies in Critical Research on Religion” (brill.com/scrr).
Registration Fees: £175 full fees for those with regular positions; £85 for graduate students, independent scholars, and contingent faculty. Registration is required for organizing or convening a session, presenting a paper, serving as a panelist, or holding another role in the program. Fees go to pay for receptions and other expenses. Registration fees are nonrefundable.
Deadlines: Deadline for session and paper proposals: January 15, 2022. Abstract length: 150 words per paper. Decisions will be made by March 1, 2022. Registration fees due by March 15, 2022.
Conference registration: TBA
Hotel and Tourist Information: https://visitbelfast.com
Send proposals or questions to: Veronique Altglas v.altglas[at]qub.ac.uk and Warren S. Goldstein goldstein[at]criticaltheoryofreligion.org
‘Gary Bouma’s legacy in Sociology’ Session, 24 November 2021, 9.10-10.30am AEDT
Dear all,
You are invited to participate in the ‘Gary Bouma’s legacy in Sociology’ session, organised as part of TASA Thematic Week. This session has been made free for all participants.
There will be four presentations from international and Australian scholars, who will reflect on Gary’s life and scholarly works:
- Jim Spickard – Gary’s Global Contribution to Sociology of Religion and International Societies
- Lori Beaman – Gary’s contribution to the Religion and Diversity Project
- Adam Possamai – Gary Bouma and the Australian Soul
- Andrew Singleton and Anna Halafoff – Mentorship and Recent Scholarly Reflections
A time of reflection and discussion for all participants will follow.
A request: we are hoping to put together a photo slideshow as part of the session. If you have a photo taken with Gary, that you have permission to share in a public way, please send it to Enqi Weng at enqi.weng@deakin.edu.au by 5 November 2021 for possible inclusion.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Paradox and Prophecy: Why the Study of Lived Catholicism Matters
Online: 15-16 November
The Lived Catholicism conference is a project of the Centre for Catholic Studies at Durham University. The conference is organised in conjunction with the Department of Catholic Studies, Duquesne University, in association with The Tablet.
More information can be found here: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/lived-catholicism-online-conference-tickets-161077734841
Theology and Qualitative Research: Oct 29th
Theology and Qualitative Research: A One-Day Conference for Doctoral Advisers & StudentsThe move towards doctoral research that combines Theology and Qualitative Research has grown significantly in recent years. These kinds of projects are genuinely pushing the envelope of research in a variety of ways and the different choices and decisions that are involved are exciting and creative but also complex. Doctoral work that situates itself as both theology and qualitative research crosses previously understood boundaries between disciplines, methodologies, and epistemologies. This in-person and online Day Conference, to be held on 29 October and supported by St. John’s University New York, is for doctoral advisors/supervisors, doctoral students and those preparing to start doctoral work. It is designed as a conversation to facilitate our learning in this fast-emerging new field of theology. Brief presentations will be followed by longer question and answer sessions. |
Webinar Series: Decolonial Research Methods
Decolonial Research Methods webinar series with Vineeta Sinha, Linda T. Smith, Raewyn Connell, Walter Mignolo, Sujata Patel & Jeong-Eun Rhee
Free Registration at https://deco-metho.eventbrite.co.uk/
About this event
While the popularisation of a coherent decolonial paradigm may be one of the most significant developments within academia in recent years, there has not been enough focus on the implications of this ‘decolonial turn’ for research methods and methodologies. In this webinar series, eminent decolonial experts will reflect on some of the key issues relating to the coloniality/decoloniality of academic research methods and methodologies. This webinar series will prompt academic researchers to explore the ways in which academic research may either reinforce or dislodge colonial discourses.
Prof Vineeta Sinha (National University of Singapore)
26th October 2021
Rio de Janeiro: 05:00 ~ Cape Town: 10:00 ~ Tehran: 11:30 ~ Jakarta: 15:00
Prof Linda T. Smith (Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi)
2nd November 2021
Rio de Janeiro: 03:00 ~ Cape Town: 08:00 ~ Tehran: 9:30 ~ Jakarta: 13:00
Prof Raewyn Connell (University of Sydney)
9th November 2021
Rio de Janeiro: 04:00 ~ Cape Town: 09:00 ~ Tehran: 10:30 ~ Jakarta: 14:00
Prof Walter Mignolo (Duke University)
23rd November 2021
Rio de Janeiro: 11:00 ~ Cape Town: 16:00 ~ Tehran: 17:30 ~ Jakarta: 21:00
Prof Sujata Patel (Umeå University)
30th November 2021
Rio de Janeiro: 05:00 ~ Cape Town: 10:00 ~ Tehran: 11:30 ~ Jakarta: 15:00
Prof Jeong-Eun Rhee (Long Island University, Post)
7th December 2021
Rio de Janeiro: 09:00 ~ Cape Town: 14:00 ~ Tehran: 15:30 ~ Jakarta: 19:00
The webinar series has been organised by Dr Leon Moosavi, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology at the University of Liverpool and Director of the University of Liverpool in Singapore
The webinar series has been funded by the National Centre for Research Methods (UK)
Online Chat about Proposed Mentoring Café
Socrel and M2M (Misogynoir to Mishpat) are hosting an online coffee chat on November 15th, between 1-2pm (UK Time). Our focus will be on the proposed launch of a joint Mentoring Café, and we would very welcome comments, feedback, and ideas from you all, regardless of background! Please consider joining us if you can, and letting us know what support you’d like to get/contribute. Feel free to join us for as long or as little as you want/can, and whenever is best for you during that time.
Nash (M2M), Mat, and Gillian will co-host the session – lunch & tea/coffee mugs are, of course, more than welcome! Zoom details can be found below.
We look forward to seeing you,
All the best,
Céline (Socrel Convenor)
Join Zoom Meeting: https://durhamuniversity.zoom.us/j/96215316513?pwd=eE0wZlkrR3M2ZTNSd0lKYWp3cHA3Zz09
Meeting ID: 962 1531 6513
Passcode: 207327
New Book: “Modern Sociologists on Society and Religion” by Inger Furseth & Pål Repstad
The book gives an introduction to some key sociologists: Habermas, Bourdieu, Foucault, Collins, Goffman, Bauman, Hochschild, Giddens, Sennett, Berger and Luckmann. It gives an overview of their general sociology, before it explores their views on religion and their usefulnes in the sociology of religion. For more info, see here:
CFP: Religion in Latin America and the Caribbean: Past, Present and Possible Futures (conference)
Call for papers
Religion in Latin America and the Caribbean: Past, Present and Possible Futures
Abstract deadline: 10 October 2021
Conference: 12 and 13 January 2022
The Centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS), University of London in collaboration with the Centre for Religion, Conflict and Globalization (CRCG), University of Groningen.
Keynote speaker: Professor Virginia Garrard (University of Texas at Austin)
Conference summary: Latin America has developed some of the most multi-faceted religious tapestries in world history. From its indigenous forms of worship, Catholic colonial influences, and Afro-diasporic cults to the rapid growth of Pentecostalism, the region has been the stage of numerous and innovative religious ideas, materialities, myths, symbols and performances. Such variety of religious experiences challenges scholars to refocus the lens through which they interpret religious phenomena. At the same time, one cannot understand Latin American and Caribbean history without taking religion into account. Beyond the growing influence of religion in the political sphere in the region, there is a need to unpack pressing themes such as the violent targeting of Afro-Brazilian religions by evangelised drug traffickers, corruption schemes involving churches, as well as how religious histories and identities across Latin America are being reframed through the transnationalisation and digitisation of religion.
The conference will be a forum for scholars working across the social sciences and humanities to examine the contours of religious life in Latin America and the Caribbean from a temporal perspective. It seeks to promote interdisciplinary dialogues between Latin American Studies and Religious Studies in order to advance historical, anthropological, sociological and theological discussions of religion in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Possible topics include but are not limited to:
• Religion and politics;
• Gender and religion;
• Religion and identities;
• Historical approaches to religion;
• Theological approaches to religion;
• Religion, urbanisation and development;
• The transnationalisation of religion;
• The digitisation of religion;
• Religion and environmental change;
• Religious missions.
Please submit a paper abstract of 250 words or less together with a brief biography and your contact details to Manoela Carpenedo manoela.carpenedo@sas.ac.uk. The deadline for abstract submissions is 10 October 2021. https://modernlanguages.sas.ac.uk/events/event/24548
(Free) Webinar Series on Personal & Public Dimensions of Religions
Research on Sociology of Religion at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and the Centre for Religion, Conflict and Globalization at the University of Groningen, co-organized a webinar series that explores the relation between personal and public dimensions of religious identities, practices, and movements. The series brings together an innovative group of scholars with diverse theoretical perspectives and empirical foci spanning Europe, Latin America, and North America.
- October 5, 2021: Dr. Gustavo Morello, Boston College. “Eppur si muove. Religious practices and Latin American modernity”
- November 2, 2021: Dr. Sarah-Jane Page, Astor University. “Religion, gender and sexuality: Embodiment as a key theoretical tool”
- December 14, 2021: Dr. Ruth Braunstein, University of Connecticut.”The moral meanings of fiscal earmarking: War taxes, patriotism, and resistance”
- January 11, 2022: Dr. Monika Wohlrab-Sahr, University of Leipzig. TBA
Participation is free. Registration is required. Find more information here: http://isor.cat/en/seminar-series/