Call for chapters – Contemporary Christianity

This is a call for chapters for two edited books on contemporary Christianity (each volume will have 20 chapters) to be published by Brill publishers (series editors: Carole Cusack & James R. Lewis)
The Brill Handbook of Global Christianity and Christianity: Movements, Institutions & Allegiance.

A chapter is required for The Brill Handbook of Global Christianity on the theme of Global Evangelical Politics
Chapters are required for Christianity: Movements, Institutions & Allegiance on the themes of:
i) Religious Orders
ii) Congregational Dynamics
iii) Seventh-day Adventists, or the Church of Latter-Day Saints, or the Unification Church

Each chapter should be 7-8000 words in length
Submission of title of chapter and abstract (maximum 350 words) and a biographical note (maximum 250 words) by 31 July 2013;
Completed papers due by 31 January 2014;
Typescript delivered to Brill by 30 April 2014;

For further information contact:
Dr. Stephen Hunt at
Associate Professor
Department of Health & Applied Social Sciences
University of the West of England, Bristol, UK

RELIGIOLOGIQUES, Mutations des croyances et pratiques religieuses migrantes : rejets, retours et réinventions


Numéro thématique :
« Mutations des croyances et pratiques religieuses migrantes : rejets, retours et réinventions »

À la remorque des trajectoires migratoires des individus, le croire et la pratique religieuse se retrouvent, à leur tour, migrants. Détachées de leurs contextes d’origine, les croyances, les pratiques, les identités, les organisations et les institutions religieuses migrantes se voient interpelées inlassablement par les nouveaux environnements dans lesquelles elles s’inscrivent et par les pratiques sociales et culturelles inédites avec lesquelles elles doivent dorénavant interagir.
La pérennité des formes et des structures du croire et des pratiques religieuses s’en trouve alors ébranlée par un processus de réinscription dans de nouvelles réalités sociale, politique, économique et culturelle, processus qui entraîne d’inéluctables reconfigurations des croyances et des pratiques religieuses individuelles et collectives selon les aléas de leurs diverses expériences de continuité ou de discontinuité, de déracinement ou d’enracinement.
Mais qu’en est-il de ces croire et religieux, patries « portatives » (Bastenier), inscrits dorénavant au cœur d’un processus de recomposition identitaire « ethnoconfessionnelle » (Rousseau ; Castel) ? Ce processus s’opère aux niveaux des croyances, des pratiques, des identités, des représentations, voire des organisations et des institutions, et cela, en fonction des attitudes ou stratégies identitaires (Berry ; Camilleri) déployées par des individus et des communautés déracinées de leurs terreaux d’origine, mais en quête de renouvellement d’unité de sens. Se profilent alors à l’horizon plusieurs modalités de réinscription de cette unité de sens : multiples rejets, retours variés, et réinventions innovatrices (Rouvillois) dont les exemples sont innombrables, notons, pour n’en donner qu’un, l’exemple des nouvelles pratiques « croyantes » (Hervieu-Léger) des musulmans de deuxième génération en France (Saint-Blancat).
Ce numéro thématique se propose d’explorer, entre autres, les critères, les structures, et les théories de transformation, de mutation, de reconfiguration et de réinvention de croyances et de pratiques religieuses aux prises, d’une part, avec le déplacement, la dislocation, la (re)diasporisation, ou l’errance et, d’autre part, l’implantation, l’insertion, l’intégration ou la réinscription sociale, tout cela dans des contextes de dynamiques d’interactions qu’elles entretiennent avec les nouvelles pratiques sociales et culturelles des environnements dans lesquelles elles se retrouvent. Parmi les pistes possibles mais non exhaustives d’exploration, notons les suivantes :
– Enculturation, acculturation, déculturation du croire migrant
– Déterritorialisation et translocalisation de l’autorité religieuse
– Mutations du religieux, du croire et des appartenances transplantés
– Nouvelles croyances et pratiques religieuses migrantes
– Religion migrante, genre, politique, et éthique (« intersectionalité »)
– Processus de recomposition et stratégies identitaires religieuses
– Nouveaux réseaux transnationaux et construction de sens
– Réinscription dans une « ligné croyante » en contexte minoritaire

Longueur des articles
Les articles devront être de 6,000 à 8,000 mots et soumis en format WORD (.doc) à l’adresse courriel suivante Pour les consignes de présentation des textes, voir « Soumission d’articles » sur le site de la revue (

Les manuscrits devront être soumis pour évaluation, au plus tard, avant la fin du mois de novembre 2013. La version finale des articles retenus devra être acheminée, au plus tard, avant la fin du mois d’avril 2014 (pour publication automne 2014 / printemps 2015).

Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez contacter
Roxanne D. Marcotte
Département de sciences des religions
Université du Québec à Montréal
Courriel :

* * * * * * *
RELIGIOLOGIQUES est une revue de sciences humaines qui s’intéresse aux manifestations du sacré dans la culture ainsi qu’au phénomène religieux sous toutes ses formes. Elle s’intéresse également au domaine de l’éthique. Les articles qu’elle publie font l’objet d’une évaluation (à double insu et minimum de deux évaluateurs) des comités de lecture spécialisés, indépendants de son comité de rédaction.
RELIGIOLOGIQUES est la revue phare de la recherche francophone en sciences des religions en Amérique du Nord publiée de 1990 à 2005, avec ses plus de 31 numéros dont plusieurs disponibles en ligne sur le site de la revue (
RELIGIOLOGIQUES s’apprête donc à publier, de nouveau, deux fois l’an et ainsi poursuivre sa tradition de publication de numéros thématiques, tout comme d’articles hors thèmes (acceptés en tout temps) et de numéros réguliers. RELIGIOLOGIQUES
UQÀM, Département de sciences des religions C.P. 8888, Succursale Centre-Ville Montréal, Québec H3C 3P8
Téléphone : (514) 987-4497 Télécopie : (514) 987-7856 Courriel:

Peter B. Clarke Memorial Prize

Sociology of Religion Study Group
2013 Peter B. Clarke Memorial Prize

The BSA Sociology of Religion Study Group invites postgraduates to enter the 2013 Peter B. Clarke Memorial Prize.

Essays on any aspect of contemporary religion written from a sociological perspective are welcome.
The winner of the prize will receive:
– a cheque for £100 (sponsored by Taylor & Francis)
– a £50 voucher for books from Taylor & Francis (sponsored by Routledge)
– a year’s subscription to the Journal of Contemporary Religion

If the judges decide that there is a runner-up, the second prize is a cheque for £50 (sponsored by Taylor & Francis).

The winner will have the opportunity to publish his/her essay in the Journal of Contemporary Religion (JCR), subject to the JCR’s normal peer review.

Submission Details:
– Submitting authors must be a member of the BSA/SOCREL to enter.
Application forms are available from the Study Group website:
– Authors should be a currently registered postgraduate student at a postsecondary institution.
– The essay should be between 5000 and 7000 words, including footnotes and bibliography.
– The essay must not be available in print or electronic form or submitted for publication elsewhere.
– Submitting authors must follow the JCR style guide, available from: Please pay especial attention to this.
– Electronic submission to Giselle Vincett ( with cover sheet downloaded from the Study Group website.
– The essay should be sole authored, written in English and submitted as a single MS Word document attachment, including bibliography and cover sheet. Failure to incorporate the cover sheet will render disqualification.

Deadline: 15th June, 2013. For further information visit or contact Dr Giselle Vincett (

Religion and Global Migrations, Palgrave Macmillan’s new series

Announcing Palgrave Macmillan’s new series:Religion and Global Migrations

As the first series of its kind, Religion and Global Migrations will examine the phenomenon of religion and migration from multiple disciplinary perspectives (for example, historical, anthropological, sociological, ethical and theological), from various global locations (including the Americas, Europe and Asia), and from a range of religious traditions. The Series Editors are interested in monographs and edited volumes that explore the intersections of religion and migration from a variety of approaches, including studies of:
– Shifting Religious Practices and Ideas in sending and receiving communities, among migrants and also among those who interact with migrants in places of origin and destination;
– Public Responses to migration such as religiously informed debates, policies and activism among migrants and nonmigrants alike;
– Gender Dynamics including shifts in gender roles and access to power in sending and receiving sites;
– Identity in relation to religion and migration that may include constructive, as well as descriptive, scholarship;
– Empire, from the ancient Mediterranean through the height of European colonization to contemporary relationships between the developing and developed world, and the way it has profoundly affected the movement of people and development of religions;
– Other topics connecting to the theme of religion and global migrations.

Series Editors

Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh is Departmental Lecturer in Forced Migration at the Refugee
Studies Centre, and Junior Research Fellow in Refugees Studies at Lady Margaret Hall

Jennifer B. Saunders is an independent researcher who has published on transnational Hinduism

Susanna Snyder is Assistant Professor in Contemporary Society and Christian Ethics at Episcopal Divinity School, Cambridge, MA

Editorial Board
Peggy Levitt (Wellesley College, USA)
Kim Knott (Lancaster University, UK)
Zain Abdullah (Temple University, USA)

If you are interested in submitting a proposal to be considered for the series, please contact one of the Series Editors or:
Burke Gerstenschlager, Palgrave Macmillan

Survey of scholars of religions on methodological and theoretical resources in the study of religions

Dear colleagues and friends

I am conducting a survey of scholars of religions on methodological and theoretical resources in the study of religions that originate from outside Western Europe and North America. (Those that do originate from Western Europe and North America are known throughout the world.) Among other things I will use the results of the survey to determine how I might continue the project begun with Religious Studies: A Global View.

Please consider following this link and participating in the survey:
All responses will be strictly anonymous.

If you consider theoretical and methodological resources that originate from outside Western Europe and North America to be unimportant, that would be worth knowing, too. You will have the opportunity to rate these resources on a scale from very important to not at all important. The best answers are, of course, simply honest ones.I have tried to make the survey short. It consists of: (a) Three boxes in which to type country names (birth, citizenship, residence – unfortunately, drop down lists didn’t transfer across languages) (b) Seven questions about your education and employment – but please do not include information that would identify you personally (c) A request for *at most* five older titles and five newer titles – and two sets of (4) radio boxes: very important … not at all important. One person has estimated that it will take 10 minutes to complete.

The survey is currently available in English, French, German, and Spanish. If you think it would be helpful to have the survey translated into other languages as well, please let me know ? especially if you can suggest a way to accomplish that translation. I would also very much appreciate you forwarding this announcement to colleagues who you think might not otherwise see it. I am hoping for as broad a range of participation as possible.
My thanks!
Greg Alles

Gregory D. Alles Professor, Religious Studies, McDaniel College, Westminster, MD 21157, USA Executive Editor (with Olav Hammer [Odense]), Numen, journal of the International Association for the History of Religions

Call for submissions: E-journal: spring/summer 2013 issue

The Religion and Diversity Project ( is pleased to announce that we are now receiving submissions for the Spring /Summer 2013 issue of our Graduate E-Journal: Regulating Religion.

The aim of this platform is to collect and make accessible innovative, well-written and well-researched graduate students papers on topics broadly related to the regulation of religion.

To access and read previous issues of the E-Journal please visit the E-Journal webpage:
Submissions guidelines can also be found on the E-Journal webpage.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Amélie Barras at:

Appel à contribution – revue Religiologiques

Voici un premier Appel à contribution d’articles pour un numéro thématique de la revue Religiologiques.

Numéro thématique : « Le croire à l’ère du numérique »

Description :
Omniprésent aujourd’hui dans toutes les sphères de l’activité humaine, le numérique met nouveaux médias et « cyberenvironnements » à la disposition du religieux et du croire. De plus, la religion se voit interpellée par les récentes transformations de l’internet, à la suite de l’apparition de technologies numériques de plus en plus interactives propres aux développements du Web 2.0 (et ses nombreux médias sociaux comme Facebook).

Ainsi, les modalités de la présence du religieux et du croire en ligne, de leurs utilisations de ces nouvelles technologies et moyens de communication numériques et de l’impact qu’ils opèrent sur différentes facettes de la vie des individus et des communautés ont été, de ce fait, transformées.

Ces développements posent donc de nouveaux défis aux chercheur(e)s, tant au niveau de la recherche, qu’aux niveaux méthodologique et de l’analyse théorique. L’intersection de la religion et du numérique demeure donc un champ nouveau et propice pour la recherche, tant disciplinaire qu’interdisciplinaire, avec un ensemble de problématiques qui lui sont propres :
* rites, rituels et virtualité
* anciennes et nouvelles autorités et le Web 2.0
* théorie du religieux et du croire numérique
* aspects et enjeux du cyberprosélytisme
* terrain en cyberenvironnements
* cybercommunautés
* identités religieuses et internet

Longueur des articles
Les articles devront être de 6,000 à 8,000 mots et soumis en format WORD (.doc) à l’adresse courriel suivante

Échéances :
Les manuscrits devront être soumis pour évaluation (à double insu par les pairs), au plus tard, avant la fin du mois d’août 2013. La version finale des articles retenus devra être acheminée, au plus tard, avant la fin du mois de décembre 2013 (publication en 2014).

Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez contacter :
Roxanne D. Marcotte
Courriel : 
Département de sciences des religions
Université du Québec à Montréal

* * * * * * *

RELIGIOLOGIQUES est une revue de sciences humaines qui s’intéresse aux manifestations du sacré dans la culture ainsi qu’au phénomène religieux sous toutes ses formes. Elle s’intéresse également au domaine de l’éthique. Les articles qu’elle publie font l’objet d’une évaluation des comités de lecture spécialisés, indépendants de son Comité de rédaction (à double insu et par au moins deux évaluateurs).
RELIGIOLOGIQUES est la revue phare de la recherche francophone en sciences des religions en Amérique du Nord publiée de 1990 à 2005, avec ses plus de 31 numéros dont plusieurs disponibles en ligne sur le site de la revue ( ).
RELIGIOLOGIQUES s’apprête donc à publier, de nouveau, deux fois l’an et ainsi poursuivre sa tradition de publication de numéros thématiques, tout comme d’articles hors thèmes (acceptés en tout temps) et de numéros réguliers. RELIGIOLOGIQUES UQÀM, Dép. de sciences des religionsC.P. 8888, Succursale Centre-Ville Montréal, Québec H3C 3P8Téléphone : (514) 987-4497Télécopie : (514) 987-7856 Courriel:

call for papers- Special Issue on Kurdish Islam

Sociology of Islam (SOI)
Special Issue on Kurdish Islam

Sociology of Islam, a peer reviewed quarterly journal published by BRILL
( ), plans a special issue on Kurdish Islam to be published in January 2014 (Volume 2, Number 1). Original research articles from any discipline are welcome, with special emphasis on papers that use vernacular-language empirical material and sociological perspective. Lately, Kurdish Islamic cultural repertoires and public religious symbolism have become a significant issue in defining contentious ethnic politics in Kurdish-populated regions in the Middle East. Despite its growing importance especially after the Arab Spring, the topic remains to be understudied among scholars. This special issue aims to shed light to recent revitalization of Kurdish Islamic sphere as well as emerging ethno-religious Kurdish initiatives in the Middle East and will be edited by Mustafa E. Gurbuz, University of South Florida, and Gulsum Kucuksari, University of Arizona.

Submission Info: Please submit manuscripts to the editor of the special issue, Mustafa Gurbuz,, by April 15, 2013. Maximum length is 40 pages, not including figures and tables. Remove all self-references (in text and in bibliography) save for on the title page, which should include full contact information for all authors. Include the paper’s title and the abstract on the first page of the text itself. For initial submissions, any standard social science in-text citation and bibliographic system is acceptable. All submissions will be evaluated upon receipt and, if judged appropriate, sent to referees for review.

Edited Volume Call for Chapters

Please find below a call for chapters for an edited book on visual methods in the sociology of religion. All queries regarding this should be sent to

Over the past 40 years, visual sociology has grown from a small group of enthusiasts with insufficient numbers to become a section of the American Sociological Association to an international network of practitioners organized as the International Visual Sociology Association. While this growing subfield continues to make inroads into the discipline, the use of visual methods in the sociology of religion is only beginning to gain traction. This comes as a surprise, however, given the visual, symbolic, and material nature of religion and spirituality. Houses of worship, for example, are a prominent feature of the modern landscape and everyday religious faith and practice is materially present in everything from clothing and garden statues to the artifacts present in people’s homes and workplaces. It is curious, then, that visual methods are not more prevalent in the sociology of religion and that the literature in this subfield does not approach the range of methodological possibilities currently available.

“Seeing Religion: Toward a Visual Sociology of Religion” will assemble original chapters by sociologists who employ visual methods in their work on religion or spirituality. Instead of producing chapters with a singular focus on visual methods, contributors will present findings from their current research, include a detailed discussion of their methodology, and situate their research within the broader contexts of visual sociology and the sociology of religion. As such, the book will take the form of a reader that will demonstrate the unique contribution and potential of visual methods for the sociology of religion. An effort will be made to present the widest possible variety of methodological approaches and research topics. Visual data (photographs and images) will be incorporated throughout the book, and a DVD-ROM will provide space for contributors to present additional visual data in the form of color photographs, images, and video clips.

Authors should submit a 250–500 word abstract via email ( by February 22, 2013. Contributors will be notified by mid-March of editorial decisions, at which time a book proposal will be presented to potential publishers—several academic presses have already been approached and expressed interest in reviewing the proposal. The tentative deadline for completed chapters is January 2014. Contributors will be encouraged to present drafts of their chapters in sessions being organized in 2013 for the annual meetings of the International Visual Sociology Association (July 8-10, London), the Association for the Sociology of Religion (August 11-12, New York), and the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion (November 8-10, Boston).

Roman R. Williams, Ph.D.Assistant Professor of SociologyCalvin College Tel.

Critical Research on Religion

SAGE Publications is pleased to announce a new journal:
Critical Research on Religion

a peer-reviewed, international journal focusing on the development of a critical theoretical framework and its application to research on religion.

First issue to be published April 2013

We invite you to submit an article to this journal and encourage you to get your libraries to subscribe to it.

Benefits of this Journal

Critical Research on Religion provides:

    1. A unique venue for those engaging in critical research on religion not only in religious studies and theology but in the sub-disciplines of the other social sciences and humanities which focus on religion
    2. International and interdisciplinary journal scope – helping to set the direction for this new interdisciplinary critical discussion of religion
    3. High quality peer review provided via an international board of experts
    4. High visibility and increased usage – CRR will be hosted on SAGE Journals, powered by HighWire. Articles will sit alongside more than 50% of the world’s most cited journals, attracting more than 53 million users monthly.

Register now for free online access to the first volume of Critical Research on Religion:

About the Journal

Critical Research on Religion provides a common venue for those engaging in critical analysis in theology and religious studies, as well as for those who critically study religion in the other social sciences and humanities such as philosophy, sociology, anthropology, psychology, history, and literature.

A critical approach examines religious phenomena according to both their positive and negative impacts. It draws on methods including but not restricted to the critical theory of the Frankfurt School, Marxism, post-structuralism, feminism, psychoanalysis, ideological criticism, post-colonialism, ecocriticism, and queer studies.

The journal encourages submissions of theoretically guided articles on current issues as well as those with historical interest using a wide range of methodologies including qualitative, quantitative, and archival. It publishes articles, review essays, book reviews, thematic issues, symposia, and interviews.

For further information, please see:

SAGE Press Release:

Journal Homepage:

We look forward to hearing from you. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions.

Roland Boer, Jonathan Boyarin and Warren S. Goldstein

For further inquires, please contact: