Sociology of Islam (SOI)
Special Issue on Kurdish Islam
Sociology of Islam, a peer reviewed quarterly journal published by BRILL
( ), plans a special issue on Kurdish Islam to be published in January 2014 (Volume 2, Number 1). Original research articles from any discipline are welcome, with special emphasis on papers that use vernacular-language empirical material and sociological perspective. Lately, Kurdish Islamic cultural repertoires and public religious symbolism have become a significant issue in defining contentious ethnic politics in Kurdish-populated regions in the Middle East. Despite its growing importance especially after the Arab Spring, the topic remains to be understudied among scholars. This special issue aims to shed light to recent revitalization of Kurdish Islamic sphere as well as emerging ethno-religious Kurdish initiatives in the Middle East and will be edited by Mustafa E. Gurbuz, University of South Florida, and Gulsum Kucuksari, University of Arizona.
Submission Info: Please submit manuscripts to the editor of the special issue, Mustafa Gurbuz,, by April 15, 2013. Maximum length is 40 pages, not including figures and tables. Remove all self-references (in text and in bibliography) save for on the title page, which should include full contact information for all authors. Include the paper’s title and the abstract on the first page of the text itself. For initial submissions, any standard social science in-text citation and bibliographic system is acceptable. All submissions will be evaluated upon receipt and, if judged appropriate, sent to referees for review.