Dear colleagues and friends
I am conducting a survey of scholars of religions on methodological and theoretical resources in the study of religions that originate from outside Western Europe and North America. (Those that do originate from Western Europe and North America are known throughout the world.) Among other things I will use the results of the survey to determine how I might continue the project begun with Religious Studies: A Global View.
Please consider following this link and participating in the survey:
All responses will be strictly anonymous.
If you consider theoretical and methodological resources that originate from outside Western Europe and North America to be unimportant, that would be worth knowing, too. You will have the opportunity to rate these resources on a scale from very important to not at all important. The best answers are, of course, simply honest ones.I have tried to make the survey short. It consists of: (a) Three boxes in which to type country names (birth, citizenship, residence – unfortunately, drop down lists didn’t transfer across languages) (b) Seven questions about your education and employment – but please do not include information that would identify you personally (c) A request for *at most* five older titles and five newer titles – and two sets of (4) radio boxes: very important … not at all important. One person has estimated that it will take 10 minutes to complete.
The survey is currently available in English, French, German, and Spanish. If you think it would be helpful to have the survey translated into other languages as well, please let me know ? especially if you can suggest a way to accomplish that translation. I would also very much appreciate you forwarding this announcement to colleagues who you think might not otherwise see it. I am hoping for as broad a range of participation as possible.
My thanks!
Greg Alles
Gregory D. Alles Professor, Religious Studies, McDaniel College, Westminster, MD 21157, USA Executive Editor (with Olav Hammer [Odense]), Numen, journal of the International Association for the History of Religions