Announcing a New Series: Religion in Modern Africa

Announcing a New Series “Religion in Modern Africa”
Published by Ashgate

Ashgate Publications announces the launching of a new series entitled ?Religion in Modern Africa?. Series editors are James L. Cox, Emeritus Professor of Religious Studies in the University of Edinburgh, and Gerrie ter Haar, Emeritus Professor of Religion and Development in the International Institute of Social Studies of Erasmus University Rotterdam.

The editors invite proposals containing innovative research relevant to the diverse and changing religious situation in contemporary Africa. One of the principal aims of the series is to facilitate the dissemination of research by young African scholars. “Religion in Modern Africa” is fully interdisciplinary and will include books from a range of disciplines, such as: the academic study of religions, anthropology, sociology and related disciplines in the human and social sciences.

In the first instance, authors should send a one-page proposal outlining the main content of their manuscript to the editors, with a copy to Sarah Lloyd (the Ashgate Religion Editor) at the emails noted below. If the editors consider the proposal appropriate to the aims of the series, they will invite the author to complete a full proposal, which will be reviewed and submitted to Ashgate for final approval.

Please direct initial proposals or questions regarding the series to:

James L. Cox (
Gerrie ter Haar (
Sarah Lloyd (