Registration is now open for the:
Social relations and Human Security Conference
Friday 22nd – Saturday 23rd March
Centre for Social Relations, Coventry University
We live in an interconnected world that transports social issues across and between people, sectors, communities and societies. Tackling some of the drivers and misconceptions that underpin the most pressing problems for societies today -ethnicity, the environment, or socio-economics – requires continued multi-disciplinary dialogue between, governments, practitioners and publics.
The context of contemporary people-to-people relationships and the consequences of differences are both an opportunity and challenge for human security agendas. The question of how we interact, whether at work or at home, with people who we perceive as different to us is central to our sense of stability and security, not just for ourselves, but also for our families and communities. How do we challenge polarising narratives and negative representations through new models of engagement or dialogue? How can we develop communities where people interact in a meaningful way and experience true equality of opportunity? How can we help to equip people in the UK and globally to live engaged and peaceful lives in pluralistic societies? In learning to understand how our social relations play out in communities both locally and globally, we can begin to address how to live together in peaceful relationships in a world of difference.
Our conference will explore the importance of multi-disciplinary work under the broad banner of social relations in policymaking, international inter-cultural dialogue/cross-community dialogue and academic research.
Keynote speakers are:
Professor Dr. Din Syamsuddin, President of Muhammadiyah, Chairman of the Centre for Dialogue and Co-operation among Civilisations (CDCC) Indonesia
Professor Linda Woodhead, Professor in the Sociology of Religion in the Department of Politics, Philosophy & Religion at Lancaster University
Prof. Salman Hameed, Director Centre for the study of Science in Muslim Societies, Hampshire College, US.
Early bird registration fee available before 28tH February:
Registration (including conference Dinner on Friday 22nd) = £56
Reduced rate registration for PhD/Early career scholars not in full time employment/retired scholars(inc. conference Dinner on Friday 22nd) = £32
Accommodation at IBIS hotel Friday 22nd = £35 per night
Extra nights’ accommodation (Thursday 21st or Saturday 23rd) = £55 per night
Registration rates after 28th February:
Registration (including conference Dinner on Friday 22nd) = £70
Reduced rate registration for PhD/Early career scholars not in full time employment/retired scholars(inc conference Dinner on Friday 22nd) = £40
Further details and current programme can be found here: