New Religion Database

This is to announce the launch of a new cumulated International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) dataset with data from all three rounds of the ISSP religion survey (1991, 1998 and 2008). It covers 28 countries across the world, each of which has participated in at least two of the ISSP religion modules. Prior to this analysts have had to work with the three datasets separately.

Documentation and data access, including download in SPSS, SAS, or Stata format, is offered online via the GESIS ZACAT online analysis database at:

This is the direct link to the cumulated ISSP religion file in ZACAT:

And general information about ISSP can be found here:

I hope this is of interest.
Alison Park
ESRC funded coordinator of Britain’s participation in ISSP

Visualizing Global Migration Data

The Max-Planck-Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity (MPI-MMG) has launched an innovative set of online, interactive tools that allow users to examine country by country, to graphically visualize and to compare the latest and most comprehensive global migration data existing from 1960 to 2000 (with 2010 updates forthcoming). With stunning new graphics, the data visualizers are for: global migration flow data from the United Nations Population Division; global migrant stock data compiled together with the World Bank; and, also based on the latter dataset, migrants by destination – that is, the number of people from any particular country found, at any particular time, in all other countries across the world. Where the national data allows, moreover, within each visualizer online users can choose to examine migration data by citizenship or place of birth as well as by gender.

To see and use these new graphic tools, please go to the MPI-MMG homepage ( and click on the heading ‘data visualization’. Each global migration data visualizer has a set of instructions and an online instruction video. A ‘feedback’ tab is also supplied for comments, questions and user examples. An FAQ section will be continuously updated and the visualization tools will be upgraded accordingly.