Postdoktorand In Religionswissenschaft, Soziologie, Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaft, Theologie 60%-100%


Das Zentrum für Religion, Wirtschaft und Politik (ZRWP) an der Universität Basel sucht ab dem 1. April 2018 für mind. 12 Monate (eine Verlängerung um 18 Monate ist möglich) eine/n PostdoktorandIn für das Forschungsprojekt “Urban Green Religions”.

Das ZRWP ist eine gemeinsame Einrichtung der Universitäten Basel, Fribourg, Lausanne, Luzern und Zürich sowie des Collegium Helveticum. Das ZRWP widmet sich in Forschung und Lehre der inter- und transdisziplinären Untersuchung von Religion und ihren Wechselwirkungen mit Wirtschaft und Politik.


Über das Forschungsprojekt:

Das Forschungsprojekt “Urban Green Religions” wird über eine Gesamtzeit von 30 Monaten die Rolle von Religion in urbanen Energiewendeprozessen untersuchen. Hierzu werden mitunter qualitative Leitfadeninterviews mit Akteuren aus unterschiedlichen Sektoren (z.B. Politik, Wirtschaft, Verwaltung) der gewählten Städte durchgeführt. Das Projekt wird durch den Schweizerischen Nationalfonds (SNF) gefördert.


Ihre Aufgaben:

– Selbständige Durchführung des Forschungsprojekts in Kooperation mit der Projektleitung

– Verfassen von peer-reviewten Artikeln zum Forschungsprojekt

– Organisation von wissenschaftlichen Veranstaltungen

– Beteiligung an der Lehre des ZRWP


Ihr Profil:

– eine abgeschlossene Promotion in Religionswissenschaft, Soziologie, Nachhaltigkeitswissenschaft, Theologie, Ethnologie oder Anthropologie

– einen Forschungsschwerpunkt im Bereich Religion und/oder Nachhaltigkeit

– empirische Forschungserfahrung (besonders qualitative Leitfadeninterviews)

– Erfahrung in der eigenständigen Durchführung von Forschungsprojekten

– sehr gute Kenntnisse der englischen und der deutschen Sprache

– Aufgeschlossenheit für interdisziplinäre und internationale Zusammenarbeit

– Freude an selbständiger und teamorientierter wissenschaftlicher Arbeit


Wir bieten Ihnen:

Wir bieten eine attraktive Forschungsposition in einem spannenden Forschungsumfeld zu einem Themenfeld von wachsender Relevanz bei Bezahlung gemäß _Beitragsreglement.pdf


Weitere Auskünfte:

Ihre Bewerbungsunterlagen (Motivationsschreiben, Lebenslauf, Publikationsliste, akademische Zertifikate, Namen von zwei Referenzen, eine ausgewählte Publikation) senden Sie bitte bis zum 8. September 2017 zusammengefügt in einer einzigen PDF-Datei an (Franziska Müller Boss). Weitere Auskünfte erhalten Sie von Prof. Dr. Jens Köhrsen, Die Bewerbungsgespräche finden am 28. September 2017 statt.

VIth Open Conference of the Section on Sociology of Religion, German Sociological Association, 7th – 9th December 2017


Conference Venue: St. Bernhard in Rastatt (near Karlsruhe) / GERMANY

Sociological research on religion is empirically and thematically diverse.
Since the classical authors, religion has been identified as a mirror and
as a place of social change. With its integrative and contentious
potentials, as well as its continuities and discontinuities, religion is
also currently a central object of sociological interest; it allows an
exemplary reflection on social processes of transformation and
stabilisation. This leads to multifaceted research on religious realities,
both in European societies and in other world regions. In order to
highlight the relations between religion and society, the Section on
Sociology of Religion in the German Sociological Association (DGS)
invites scholars to its VIth Open Conference, to present diverse,
empirically and theoretically oriented contributions from a sociology of
religion perspective.

Research themes may concern institutional conditions and organisational
forms of religious practice, religious knowledge and beliefs, the
configuration of power relations in the religious field, religious gender
relations, processes of professionalisation or the diversification of
religiosity towards popular religion and spiritualisation, religious
movements, emotions and ritual forms or religious biographies, the
negotiation of religious practices and identities in migration contexts or
the representation of religiosity in the public sphere. Contributions to
varying topics and areas are very welcome. A special focus of the
conference is on methodological questions; several panels will be reserved
for the discussion of this issue. The conference offers the opportunity to
present and discuss different theoretical perspectives and empirical
approaches (quantitative and qualitative) – and to network.The conference
welcomes the presentation of current research projects and the discussion
of topics that do not fit into the thematically focused events of the
section. Junior scholars are particularly invited to submit abstracts. The
primary language of the conference is German, however English papers are
very welcome.

Deadline: Please submit abstracts of 250 words (in .doc or .pdf format)
by May, 31st 2017 to the three organisers listed below:

Marc Breuer, Katholische Hochschule NRW, Paderborn,

Uta Karstein, Universität Leipzig,

Kornelia Sammet, Universität Leipzig,

Call for applications for the 2017 UCSIA summer school on “Religion, Culture and Society: Entanglement and Confrontation”, 27th of August – 2nd of September 2017.

We would like to draw your attention to the call for applications for the
2017 UCSIA summer school on “Religion, Culture and Society: Entanglement
and Confrontation”. This summer school is a one-week course taking place
from Sunday 27th of August until Saturday  2nd of September 2017. This
year the program will focus on the topic “Between Market, State and
Religion: Economic Realities, Social Justice & Faith Traditions”.



This year, the central aim of the UCSIA summer school is to reflect upon
the evolutions of economic markets interacting with specific political and
socio-religious contexts through time and space. Focus is put upon the ways
in which socio-economic evolutions such as globalization, the historical
rise of capitalist economies and the idea of the self-regulating market
interact with and affect socio-religious and cultural normative frameworks
on both the level of governmental policy, economic stakeholders and the
individual household. The present call invites paper proposals in which the
broad topic of economic realities interacting with social contexts and
faith traditions will be discussed from a diverse lines of approach,
clustered around following subthemes:

§  Globalization, economic imperialism and social justice
§  Religious communities and economic values and production
§  Capitalism under construction: appropriation of capitalist producing and

Guest lecturers are Prof. Dr. Jennifer Olmsted (Department of Economics
and Middle East Studies at Drew University), Prof. Dr. Mayfair Yang
(Department of Religious Studies and Department of East Asian Languages &
Cultural Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara), Dr. David
Henig (School of Anthropology & Conservation, University of Kent, UK) and
Prof. Dr. Paul Oslington (Alphacrusis College, Sydney, Australia)

Practical details:

Participation and stay for young scholars and researchers are free of
charge. Participants should pay for their own travel expenses to Antwerp.
You can submit your application via the electronic submission form
<> on the summer
school website <>. The completed file as
well as all other required application documents must be submitted to the
UCSIA Selection Committee not later than Sunday 14th of May 2017.  For
further information regarding the programme and application procedure,
please have a look at our website:

Please help us to distribute this call for applications among PhD
students and postdoctoral scholars who might be interested in applying for
this summer school.
For all further information, do not hesitate to contact us on the address


Ellen Decraene
Project Manager UCSIA
Prinsstraat 14
2000 Antwerp – Belgium
Tel: +32/3/265.45.99
Fax: +32/3/707.09.31

Call for Presentation Proposals: Survey Research and the Study of Religion in East Asia

East Asia, a region rich with diverse religious traditions, presents
exciting opportunities as well as unique challenges for survey researchers
interested in religion questions. On October 11-12, 2017, Pew Research
Center will host a small conference to advance the state of the art in the
study of religion using surveys in East Asia (focusing particularly on
China, South Korea, Japan and Taiwan).

The conference will be a gathering of survey researchers based in East Asia
as well as those based outside the region. Survey researcher and
Confucianism scholar Anna Sun <> will be
our keynote speaker. Plenary sessions will feature survey researchers and
religion scholars invited to discuss what it means to be religious in East
Asia and the major challenges of conducting survey research on the topic.
Breakout sessions will feature presentations submitted in response to this
call for papers.

*Breakout sessions will be composed of 10-minute presentations.* With
limited time, presenters are encouraged to get straight to the most
interesting kernel of their work. This efficient format permits more
presentations and discussion than would otherwise be possible and creates
opportunity for follow-up conversations during breaks.
Proposals that focus on the methodology of how survey work can be improved
are particularly welcome. Presentations could assess existing survey
measures of a concept and present a new alternative. They might focus on an
important religious practice or belief that tends not to be measured in
surveys, particularly if one has suggestions for how this practice/belief
could be captured with surveys. Presentations that describe interesting
findings from existing surveys are also welcome, particularly if they point
toward how future survey work might be improved.

*Space is limited for this event*, both on the program and in the meeting
facilities at our Washington, DC headquarters. Thanks to the generous
support of the Pew-Templeton Global Religious Futures project, there is no
cost to attend the event. Additionally, thanks to a grant from the Global
Religion Research Initiative <>, airfare and
lodging expenses will be covered for a limited number of scholars based in
East Asia traveling to the conference from Asia. Some participants may wish
to stay for the annual conference <> of the
Scientific Study of Religion, which will be held nearby October 13-15.

*To propose a 10 minute presentation, please email a title and abstract of
no more than 300 words along with a short statement about why you are
interested in this conference to Conrad Hackett (
<>) by June 20.*

*Key dates*
June 20 Deadline for presentation proposals
June 30 Proposal decision notification
July 1 Registration opens (if space permits, those not presenting can apply
to participate in the conference)
August 1 Registration closes
October 11 Day 1 of conference 9 am – 6:30 pm
October 12 Day 2 of conference 9 am – 5 pm

Bourse postdoctorale – Fonds Gérard-Dion – Concours 2017 /Postdoctoral Fellowship – Fonds Gérard-Dion – 2017 edition

Le Fonds Gérard-Dion <>, consacré à la
recherche portant sur les faits religieux, invite la participation à son
concours annuel de la bourse postdoctorale. D’une durée de 12mois, la
bourse s’adresse notamment à une personne provenant de l’extérieur et
détentrice depuis moins de trois ans d’un doctorat d’une université
reconnue au Canada ou à l’étranger. Les qualités recherchées sont
l’aptitude au développement d’un projet de recherche comparée (autre pays /
Canada , Canada / Québec) et le désir de se constituer chercheur ou
chercheuse en résidence de l’Université Laval (Québec, Canada).

Pour plus ample information :

*Date limite de dépôt des candidatures :  17 mars 2017. *


Dedicated to research on religion, ‘Fonds Gerard-Dion’
<> currently invites applications for its
annual post-doctoral Fellowship. Eligible candidates to this twelve-month
fellowship must have obtained a PhD within the past three years from any
internationally recognized university.  Relevant qualifications are
interest in developing research project (comparative, Canada / Québec ) and
the desire to be an in-residence researcher at Université Laval in Québec
city, Canada.

For more information :

*Deadline: March 17th, 2017.*

Sociology of Religion Study Group (SocRel), Annual Conference 2017: On the Edge? Centres and Margins in the Sociology of Religion. Wednesday 12th July – Friday 14th July 2017, University of Leeds.


Keynote Speakers:

Professor Bryan Turner (City University of New York)

Professor Kim Knott (University of Lancaster)

Professor Philip Mellor (University of Leeds)

(Two further keynotes, TBC)


The Sociology of Religion, as a distinct sub-discipline, has had a complex relationship with ‘mainstream’ sociology including experiencing periods of centrality and marginalisation. Beginning as a chief concern of the founding fathers of the discipline, but later relegated to almost insignificance until the so-called ‘resurgence of religion’, these changing fortunes have contributed directly to scholarship that can be dynamic, multi-faceted and responsive. In our search to understand the roles for religion in contemporary society, as scholars we frequently draw on multi-disciplinary methodologies and share a disciplinary platform with geography, politics, social policy, theology, anthropology, history and literature, to name but a few.  But where does this leave the sociology of religion as a distinct discipline?

The purpose of this conference is to investigate the boundaries and borders of sociologies of religion in an expansive and inclusive way. We want to ask, what do the centres of the sociology of religion look like in the 21st Century, and where are the margins and borders? Where are the new, and innovative subjects, methodologies and collaborations in our subject and how are they shaping the discipline?  How well do Sociologies of Religion intersect with other sociologies, such as of class, migration, ethnicity, sexuality and gender, and what are the effects? What about the geographical centres and margins of this historically Western-orientated sub-discipline, in our ever-changing world characterised by postcoloniality, globalisation and transnationalism? To what extent have any alternative Sociologies of Religion from the “edge”, to use a term proposed by Bender et al (2013), re-interpreted or re-configured the concerns of the centre? Importantly, what light does the Sociology of Religion shed on the more general study of centres and margins in religious and social settings/institutions and identities/subjectivities? Ultimately we want to question where these expansive and multi-directional boundaries leave us as ‘sociologists of religion’ and as a distinct study group and highlight the challenges and the opportunities.

We invite you to engage in these conference questions from your particular area of research.

To deliver a paper, please send an abstract of no more than 250 words, alongside a biographical note of no more than 50 words. We will also be accepting a limited number of panel proposals. To deliver a panel, please send an abstract of no more than 500 words alongside a biographical note of no more than 50 words for each contributor.

Please send abstracts to the attention of the conference organizers: Dr Caroline Starkey (University of Leeds) and Dr Jasjit Singh (University of Leeds) at


Abstracts must be submitted by 9th December 2016.


Conference Bursaries:

A limited number of bursaries are available to support postgraduate, early career, low income or unwaged SocRel members to present at the conference. Please visit for instructions, and to download an application form, and submit your bursary application along with your abstract by 9th December 2016.

All presenters must be members of SocRel.

Selected authors will be asked to contribute to an edited volume.


Key Dates:

Abstract submission: Open now

Early bird registration opens: 3rd October 2016

Abstract submission closes: 9th December 2016

Decision notification: 20th January 2017

Presenter registration closes: 10th March 2017

Early bird registration closes:  2nd June 2017

Registration closes: 23rd June 2017

Please note that after Friday, 23rd June 2017, a £50 late registration fee will apply to all bookings.


Should you have other questions about the conference please also contact the conference organisers, Dr Caroline Starkey (University of Leeds) and Dr Jasjit Singh (University of Leeds) at

For further details, visit the SocRel website: For further details about the BSA visit

Link to online CfP:

International Panel on Social Progress (IPSP)

Dear SISR Colleagues

We would like to take this opportunity to introduce the International Panel on Social Progress (IPSP). You can find more about the IPSP and its ways of working here: You will see that it exists to ‘harness the competence of hundreds of experts about social issues’ and to ‘deliver a report addressed to all social actors, movements, organizations, politicians and decision-makers, in order to provide them with the best expertise on questions that bear on social change’.

We Grace Davie (University of Exeter, UK) and Nancy Ammerman (Boston University, US), are the Coordinating Lead Authors (CLAs) for the chapter on religion, entitled ‘Religions and social progress: Critical assessments and creative partnerships’. Altogether we are a team of twelve. Here is our Abstract:

This chapter starts from the premise that some 80 percent of the world’s population affirms some kind of religious identification, a proportion that is growing rather than declining. Emphasizing the significance of belief and practice in everyday lives and local contexts, we analyze the impact of religion and its relevance to social progress in a wide variety of fields. These include the family, gender and sexuality; differences and diversity; democratic governance; violence and peace-making; health and economic well-being; and care for the earth.

We argue that researchers and policy makers pursuing social progress will benefit from careful attention to the power of religious ideas to motivate, of religious practices to shape ways of life, of religious communities to mobilize and extend the reach of social change, and of religious leaders and symbols to legitimate calls to action. All of that, however, can be put to either good or ill, for which reason assessment of particular religions in specific contexts is essential.

Running through the chapter are five interconnected themes: the persistence of religion in the twenty-first century; the importance of context in discerning outcomes; the need for cultural competence relative to religion; the significance of religion in initiating change; and the benefits of well-judged partnerships. The continuing need for critical but appreciative assessment and the demonstrable benefits of creative partnerships are our standout findings.

The IPSP process – see – mirrors that of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and includes a period of public comment in the autumn of 2016. The ‘Commenting Platform’ is now open – see It would be hugely helpful if members of SISR could take part in this. The IPSP website will indicate how you access our chapter and how you make your comments. Or if you prefer you can simply send us (; an e-mail.

Parution du No 33 de RELIGIOLOGIQUES

La revue québécoise de sciences humaines, *RELIGIOLOGIQUES*, qui
s’intéresse aux manifestations du sacré dans la culture ainsi qu’au
phénomène religieux sous toutes ses formes, a le plaisir de vous annoncer
la publication du numéro 33 (printemps 2016) intitulé, « Mutations :
croyances et pratiques religieuses migrantes ». Les textes son disponibles
(dans leur intégralité) sur le site Internet de la revue.

Roxanne D. Marcotte, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)
Pour le comité de rédaction de * RELIGIOLOGIQUES*

*RELIGIOLOGIQUES, no 33, **printemps 2016 *
Mutations : croyances et pratiques religieuses migrantes
Sous la direction scientifique de Roxanne D. MARCOTTE

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
– – – – – – – – – – – – –

Perspectives sur les nouvelles modalités des croyances et pratiques
religieuses migrantes


Christophe MONNOT
Institutionnalisation des pratiques collectives bouddhistes et hindoues en

Le « prêt à intérêt » ou la pratique économique symbolique  d’une économie
des pratiques

Des réfugiés népalo-bhoutanais au Québec : comment être hindou dans une
ville moyenne, en région ?

Elisabeth MAREELS
Des portes de la ville à la conquête des nations : spiritualisation du
local et du global chez les pentecôtistes brésiliens de Bruxelles

Francesco PIRAINO
L’héritage de René Guénon dans le soufisme du XXIe siècle en France et en

Felicia DUMAS
Retransmission numérique de la Divine Liturgie et le confort du croire

European Academy of Religion launching event, Bologna, 5 December, 2016

Hon. Valerio Onida and Professor Alberto Melloni on behalf of the Foundation for Religious Studies, together with the Rector of the University of Bologna Francesco Ubertini and the Minister for Education, University and Research Stefania Giannini, are glad to invite you to join the launching event of the European Academy of Religion in Bologna, on December 5th 2016, under thePatronage of the European Parliament.

Scholars, Representatives of Scientific Societies and Academies, Research Centers, Journals,Publishers and Political Authorities are invited to the meeting,which will be honored by the presence and the keynote addresses of Commissioner Carlos Moedas, Special Envoy Ján Figel’, Professor Romano Prodi and Vice President David Sassoli.

The agenda of this meeting is very simple. Several thousands of Scholars coming from Europe and the Mediterranean Countries participate in the Fall to the Annual Convention of the American Academy of Religion. They are independent esteemed scientist, working in the field of law, history, philosophy, archeology, psychology, sociology, etc., concerning the religious experience in its variety and diachronic extension. As specialists, they are a real resource for the Euro-Med Countries, Unions and cultures, and their research can emerge if a research framework is available. The purpose of a Eu/ARE and the Bologna event is to make them visible and offer them a common framework, with an Annual Convention, to be held in the Spring, as a place of research, exchange and public engagement.

Therefore we kindly ask you: – to join us and the Bologna initiative, also giving a short address supporting this gathering of scholars, academic societies, research centers –to encourage in the most proper and persuasive way the participation/endorsement of national societies and academies as well as the greatest research institutions, scientific journals and specialized publisher which must be part of the initiative. To join the meeting please register at or write to or