Daniela and I are organizing at the XLIII INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF AMERICANISM, PERUGIA 2021 the panel 15 FEASTS IN LATIN AMERICA: CUSTOMS, CULTURAL HERITAGE, SPACIAL PATTERNS (Fiestas en América Latina: prácticas, patrimonio cultural, patrones espaciales)
The conference takes place at Perugia (Italia), from 6-11 May 2021. The deadline for the submission of a proposal is 31.01.2021. Further information on the conference you find at the following links:
http://www.amerindiano.org/xliii-convegno-internazionale-di-americanistica/?lang=es (Spanish)
http://www.amerindiano.org/xliii-convegno-internazionale-di-americanistica/?lang=en (English)
The proposals and a CV have to be submitted till 31 January 2021 via the online registration form you may find following the same link.
Presentations can be held Portuguese, English, French, Italian, Spanish and any Latin American language.
For any questions please contact the coordinators: Daniela.Salvucci@unibz.it or Tobias Boos,
We wish you nice festive days, that you stay healthy and we hope to see you soon another time face-to-face.
Best wishes,