Call for Book Chapters on Sociological Theory



Expected Date of Publication: 28th February, 2020
PUBLISHER: A University Press in Nigeria

This is to invite submissions of chapters on Sociological Theory and Practice from scholars across the world. This book intends to contribute to the understanding of theories of Sociology and their usefulness and application, not only within the academic space but also, in business and practical development of Africa. The cutting edge/niche and research questions of this book are: what are these sociological theories? How applicable and useful are they in explaining Africa? To what extent, and how, can they be applied in business realities of Africa in practical terms? Are they mere theories for theories or theories for real life business and national/continental development? This book leverages on and breaks classrooms as well as established disciplinary boundaries in an attempt to contribute to what are already known, and what should be known to further bridge the gaps between gown and town. This is to bring Sociology to the business and development spaces for appreciated relevance and applicability. In this manner, this book will answer the common age long questions among students and many (non)sociologists about what sociologists do and how relevant Sociology and sociologists are/should be especially in the development and business of Africa. All submissions must be related and relevant to Africa.

In case you are interested in contributing chapter(s) to this book, kindly send a 250-word abstract and your main submission(s) (chapter[s]) to and .

The language of communication and publication is English. It is expected that abstracts and final manuscripts/submissions would be submitted in English language. Submissions should please indicate the names of all authors and co-authors (in cases of multiple author’s submissions), affiliations, email addresses and titles of chapters. Originality is very central to this book and we expect all contributors to check their submissions through antiplagiarism software(s) and strive to achieve not more than maximum of 15% Similarity Index (SI) including references.

Original chapters are invited on the following topics:

  1. Defining sociological theory
  2. The central problem of sociological theory
  3. Historical and contemporary issues in sociological theory and practice
  4. Broad types of sociological theories
  5. Functionalism
  6. Conflict theory
  7. Marxism
  8. Social action theory
  9. Asuwada Theory of Sociation
  10. Rational choice theory
  11. The Macdonaldization thesis
  12. Structuration
  13. The Actor Network Theory
  14. Control and Opportunity Theory
  15. Protestant ethics and the spirit of capitalism: Lessons for wealth creation in Africa
  16. Symbolic interactionism
  17. Ethnomethodology
  18. Social Exchange Theory
  19. Feminist theory
  20. The relationship between theory and research
  21. Sociological theory and employment creation
  22. Theorising Africa: Issues, Debates, Challenges and Prospects
  23. The Future of Sociology and Sociological Theory

The above list of topics are however indicative and not exhaustive. Preference will however be given to these topics. It may be very important to state that this Call for Proposal is intended to be very competitive and chapters will be accepted based on strength, originality, relevance, timeliness and conformity with the Call. Authors can generally propose new chapter(s) but they must be related to the book title/focus/objective and the suggested topics.

Every chapter should be 5000 to 6000 words and straight to the point, engaging, well exemplified and easy to read. Every chapter should be arranged according to the following:

  • Title of Chapter
  • Name of author(s)
  • Abstract of the chapter (250 words maximum)
  • Keywords of not more than 5 words
  • Introduction and Background: problematisation and focus of chapter
  • Body of the essay
  • Application to business and development of Africa including well blended case studies
  • Conclusions
  • References (please include only those cited in the body of the chapter). Please use APA style for references, headings and sub-headings. You may wish to visit for guidance.

Deadline for submission of chapter is 10th December 2019