A few days ago a new book about religious pluralism in Spain has been presented.
Its title is “Los otros creyentes” (“The other believers. The non-Catholic religious fact in the province of Zamora”), the result of a sociological research project in a small province of our country. You can see some parts of the book in Google Books, via the link found on our blog: http://losotroscreyentes.blogspot.com/. You can see the cover, the synopsis and index, and some reviews and appearances in the mass media.
Zamora is a small province of Spain with a strong Roman Catholic presence, but there are several religious minorities, some of them since the Middle Ages (Islam), and since the 19th century (some reformed churches). In the book we study the Spanish Reformed Episcopal Church (Anglican Communion), Christian Brethren, Assemblies of God, Gypsy Evangelical Church, Seventh
Day Adventism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Gnostic Movement and Maitreya.
If you are interested in the book, the authors can send it to you. The promotional price is 13 euros, and you have to add the postage (full prices with postage included: 15,50 for Spain; 19,50 for Europe; 23 for the rest of the world).