Call for abstracts: Global Mormon Studies Conference

March 26 -27th 2020, Coventry University, England

The overarching theme is ‘From the Outside Looking In: International Latter-day Saints and their Neighbours’.

We are hoping for submissions  that examine the ways in which those on the “outside”-both those outside of North America and those outside of Mormon faith traditions-perceive the institutional church and the process that enculturation plays in the church’s development internationally.

This includes but not limited to:

  •   The presence of Mormonism in interfaith activities,
  • The role of representation and advocacy in bridge-building between secular/Mormon/mainstream religion
  • To what extent does an American-grown religion thrived in international settings
  • How have the church’s American cultural roots impeded its growth in other countries
  • How does the church’s globalization compare to the globalization of other religious traditions
  • The similarities and differences in the ways those of other faiths view the Mormon church in different countries
  • To what degree do international church members adapt or repurpose the Mormon church’s practices to navigate their host nation
  • How does Mormon women shape negotiations between Mormon and non-Mormon spaces
  • The tension between institutional Mormon structures and secular notions of gender equality

Please submit your abstract to
Abstract submissions should include a preliminary title and be no more than 300 words.

  • Deadline for submission: 1 October 2019
  • Notification of acceptance: 22 October 2019
  • Deadline for final paper submission: 1 March 2020

For all general enquiries, please contact: 

To find out more about the conference please follow the link;