“Scandinavian Jewish Studies” journal is now Open Access online

Dear Colleagues, kära kolleger
Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies has completed the digitalisation of its archive! Welcome to read every article published in the peer-review journal since the start in 1975, full text, open access.
Digtaliseringen av Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies är nu klar, alla artiklar publicerade sedan starten år 1975 finns nu att läsa i fulltext, open access!
Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies aims at promoting Jewish studies in Scandinavia by publishing scholarly articles, surveys and documents, by reviewing recent literature, and compiling bibliographies. The contributions are published in one of the Scandinavian languages, or in English, German or French, with an abstract in English. The journal is strictly academic and does not pursue any special religious, political or cultural policy.
NJ is published open access online.
Kind regards,
Ruth Illman & Karin Hedner Zetterholm, Editors

CFP: Special issue on Religion & Ecology

Call for Papers: A special issue of the journal Religions on Religion & Ecology.  The Special Issue aims to assess the current explanations for the role of religion in addressing climate change and offer new analyses about religion and climate change from the perspectives of social sciences and humanities.

As the pace and intensity of climate changes increases, so too does the peril it poses to earth and all who live in it. Many religions follow an ethic of caring for those most strongly impacted by the effects of events like climate change and bear the moral legitimacy to mobilize millions to act in order to ameliorate climate change. Historically, many religions have been silent, indifferent, and even hostile to environmentalism, but over the past 25 years, religious communities and organizations have developed green theologies, ethics, and rituals, and have spoken prophetically in defense of nature. But how effective have religions been in mobilization action and persuading individuals, communities, and governments to take action against climate change?

The purpose of this Special Issue is to assess the current state of religious involvement to address climate change and the effects we are already experiencing. What are religions actively doing to combat climate change and has it made a difference? What are the limits on religions’ involvement in and work towards climate justice? Why have some religions taken action to combat climate change while others refuse to engage? The issue will be comparative in scope on several dimensions: From local religious congregations to national bodies; from religions of the book to dark green and eco-spirituality communities; from the developed west to the developing south. Contributions from a variety of disciplines that focus on assessing and explaining the role of religions in addressing climate change are welcome.

Stephen Ellingson Guest Editor
Professor and Chair
Department of Sociology
Hamilton College
198 College Hill Road
Clinton, NY 13323

Manuscript Submission Information

Manuscripts should be submitted online at www.mdpi.com by registering and logging in to this website. Once you are registered, click here to go to the submission form. Manuscripts can be submitted until the deadline. All papers will be peer-reviewed. Accepted papers will be published continuously in the journal (as soon as accepted) and will be listed together on the special issue website. Research articles, review articles as well as short communications are invited. For planned papers, a title and short abstract (about 100 words) can be sent to the Editorial Office for announcement on this website.

Submitted manuscripts should not have been published previously, nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere (except conference proceedings papers). All manuscripts are thoroughly refereed through a double-blind peer-review process. A guide for authors and other relevant information for submission of manuscripts is available on the Instructions for Authors page.Religions is an international peer-reviewed open access monthly journal published by MDPI.

Please visit the Instructions for Authors page before submitting a manuscript. The Article Processing Charges (APCs) of 1000 CHF (Swiss Francs) per published paper are partially funded by institutions through Knowledge Unlatched for a limited number of papers per year. Please contact the editorial office before submission to check whether KU waivers, or discounts are still available. Submitted papers should be well formatted and use good English. Authors may use MDPI’s English editing service prior to publication or during author revisions.


  • · religion and the environment
  • · climate change
  • · climate justice
  • · green religion
  • · ecopolitics
  • · environmental ethics

Announcing the August 2019 issue of Critical Research on Religion (Volume 7, Number 2)


Table of Contents:


  • “Preaching as master’s discourse. A Foucauldian interpretation of Lutheran pastoral power”
    by Jouni Tilli
  • “The dark side of religious individualism: A Marcusian exploration”
    by James V Spickard
  • “Sacred realms in virtual worlds: The making of Buddhist spaces in Second Life”
    by Jessica M Falcone
  • Symposium – Critical Islam: On Irfan Ahmad’s Religion as Critique:
  • “Introduction: Islamic Critical Thinking from Mecca to the Marketplace”
    by Yunus Doğan Telliel
  • “What was enlightenment?”
    by Gil Anidjar
  • “Critique in translation”
    by Mayanthi Fernando
  • “Trolling for exemplars of Islamicate critique”
    by Bruce B Lawrence
  • “Critique, Naqd, Orthodoxy”
    by Nada Moumtaz
  • “Reply to Anidjar, Fernando, Lawrence, and Moumtaz”
    by Irfan Ahmad

Book Reviews:

  • “Murat Akan, The Politics of Secularism: Religion, Diversity, and Institutional Change in France and Turkey”
    by Çağdaş Dedeoğlu
  • “Z. Fareen Parvez (ed), Politicizing Islam: The Islamic Revival in France and India”
    by Fatemeh Kamali Chirani
  • “Ahmad S. Dallal, Islam Without Europe: Traditions of Reform in Eighteenth Century Islamic Thought”
    by Simon Ross Valentine

Appel à contribution – « Repenser le martyre par le biais des femmes »

Cher(e)s Collègues,

Vous trouverez ci-dessous un appel à contribution pour un numéro thématique de la revue Religiologiques.  S’il vous plait, auriez-vous l’amabilité d’acheminer cet Appel à contribution aux personnes et vos réseaux susceptibles d’être intéressés.  En vous remerciant de votre généreuse assistance.

Avec nos sentiments les plus cordiaux
Roxanne D. Marcotte
Université du Québec à Montréal, UQAM
(pour la rédaction de Religiologiques)




     « Repenser le martyre par le biais des femmes »

Le « martyre » désigne à la fois l’acte de mise à mort pour motifs religieux ou politiques, ainsi que le récit de ce drame. L’objectif de ce numéro thématique est de (re)penser le martyre par le biais de « figures de femmes », ces « martyres » qui résistent et s’opposent jusqu’à la mort – ultime témoignage de leurs convictions religieuses (mourir pour sa foi) ou politiques (mourir pour une idéologie, une cause, sa patrie, etc.).

Il conviendra, dans un premier temps, d’interroger la notion même de « martyre », cette mort qui se montre publiquement et qui incarne une contestation de légitimité religieuse ou politique.  Puis, dans un deuxième temps, il sera opportun d’étudier des cas particuliers de martyre de femmes qui, de tout temps (de l’antiquité jusqu’à aujourd’hui) et qu’elles soient d’ici ou d’ailleurs, ont contesté et « témoigné » par l’ultime sacrifice de leurs vies.

Au cœur de la problématique entourant les figures de femmes martyres résident les questions du genre (Butler), de sa construction et des dynamiques de rapports de genre (Bourdieu ; Woodhead ; Grosjean). S’attarder à ces questions et ces dynamiques permettra de proposer de nouvelles pistes de réflexion pour mieux saisir le phénomène du martyre des femmes, et contribuer ainsi à la production de nouvelles interprétations, analyses et théories. Trois pistes d’exploration seront privilégiées :

I – Les femmes martyres de l’Antiquité et du Moyen-Âge (du deuxième siècle avant notre ère à la Renaissance), que celles-ci appartiennent aux traditions juives (Haber ; Lemelin), chrétiennes (Amat ; Cardman ; Salisbury) ou musulmanes (Aghaie), et que les représentations de ces femmes martyres (Joslyn-Siemiatkoski ; Tolonen) soient issues des textes hagiographiques de la martyrologie (Destephen) ou de l’histoire de la réception de ces représentations (Baslez ; Doran ; Sei). Comment les martyres de jadis peuvent-elles nous aider à penser les femmes martyres d’aujourd’hui, voire à penser ce qui advient au phénomène même du martyre ?

II – Femmes martyres de la modernité, que celles-ci s’inscrivent dans une trajectoire mortifère religieuse ou politique, quelles que soient la nature de leurs motivations – femmes kamikazes des Tigres Tamouls du Sri Lanka, séparatistes kurdes du PKK en Turquie (Grosjean), kamikazes du Caucase (Larzillière ; Campana) et du Proche-Orient (Blom ; Straub ; Sela-Shayoritz ; Vuillemenot), les djihadistes de Daesh (Khosrokhavar et Benslama), etc.–, et quel que soit le genre de culte qui leur est voué. En quoi ces femmes se ressemblent-elles et se différencient-elles des martyres d’autrefois ? Que nous apprennent les études scientifiques qui leur sont dédiées ou encore les représentations qui en sont proposées par les médias traditionnels ou numériques ?

III – Représentations des femmes martyres dans la culture : que celles-ci aient été le sujet d’œuvres littéraires, d’arts visuels ou de musique, de jadis ou d’aujourd’hui. Comment ces femmes martyres (saintes, shahidat, kamikazes, bouddhistes tibétaines immolées, figures de luttes nationales, etc.) sont-elles (re)présentées ?

Les contributions pallieront l’invisibilité de ces femmes martyres (vies, représentations, discours, analyses, théories, etc.) en les (ré)inscrivant dans l’histoire. Ceci pourra s’entreprendre à partir d’un regard disciplinaire (sociologie ; anthropologie ; psychanalyse ; psychologie ; religiologie, etc.) ou interdisciplinaire, ou à partir de différentes approches (diachroniques, synchroniques ou comparatives) – qu’elles s’appliquent aux objets, aux périodes, aux traditions ou aux médiums – pour explorer l’intersection de la notion de martyre avec celles du genre et du sacré.

Longueur des articles

Les articles doivent être de 6 000 à 8 000 mots, en format WORD (.doc) et conformes aux « Consignes de présentation » qui sont disponibles sous l’onglet « Soumission d’articles » du site Web de Religiologiques(https://www.religiologiques.uqam.ca).

Soumission des articles

Les textes sont soumis à l’adresse courriel suivante religiologiques@uqam.ca.


Les manuscrits sont à soumettre avant la fin du mois de décembre 2019. Avant de soumettre un texte pour évaluation, il est possible d’acheminer une proposition d’article (de 300 à 400 mots) à la direction du numéro thématique.

Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez contacter

Isabelle Lemelin (PhD, UQAM), la direction du numéro thématique

Département de sciences des religions, Université du Québec à Montréal

Courriel : isabellelemelin@gmail.com

* * * * * * *


RELIGIOLOGIQUES est une revue de sciences humaines qui s’intéresse aux multiples manifestations du sacré dans la culture ainsi qu’au phénomène religieux sous toutes ses formes. Elle s’intéresse également au domaine de l’éthique. Les articles qu’elle publie font l’objet d’une évaluation des comités de lecture spécialisés (à double insu ; habituellement sollicitation de trois expertises) et indépendants de son comité de rédaction.RELIGIOLOGIQUES est la revue phare de la recherche francophone en sciences des religions en Amérique du Nord publiée de 1990 à 2005 (31 numéros, la majorité des articles étant disponible dans leur intégralité en ligne sur le site de la revue : https://www.religiologiques.uqam.ca) et qui a repris, depuis 2015, sa tradition de publication de numéros thématiques (qui peuvent être proposés), d’articles hors thèmes (acceptés en tout temps) et de numéros varia.

RELIGIOLOGIQUES : Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), Département de sciences des religions, Courriel: religiologiques@uqam.ca

Open-Access article on Mosques as Gendered Spaces

You may be interested in my article on mosques as gendered spaces, which has now been published in the open-access journal Religions. The article is free to download here:

https://www.mdpi.com/2077-1444/10/5/321  Mosques as Gendered Spaces: The Complexity of Women’s Compliance with, And Resistance to, Dominant Gender Norms, And the Importance of Male Allies – mdpi.com

Women’s presence and role in contemporary mosques in Western Europe is debated within and outside Muslim communities, but research on this topic is scarce. Applying a feminist lens on religion and gender, this article situates the mosque as a socially constituted space that both enables and constrains Western European Muslim women’s religious formation, identity-making, participation …

With very best wishes

Dr Line Nyhagen
Reader in Sociology. SFHEA.

New Journal Issue: Scandinavian Jewish Studies 30/1

We are happy to announce the publication of Vol. 30/1 of the journal Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies, which is a special issue focusing on Jewish everyday life and identities in Finland today.

Guest Editors: Mercédesz Czimbalmos & Dóra Pataricza, Åbo Akademi University

You find the journal at https://journal.fi/nj/issue/current

Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies aims at promoting Jewish studies in Scandinavia by publishing scholarly articles, surveys and documents, by reviewing recent literature, and compiling bibliographies. The contributions are published in one of the Scandinavian languages, or in English, German or French, with an abstract in English. The journal is strictly academic and does not pursue any special religious, political or cultural policy.

NJ is published open access online.

Thanks for the continuing interest in our work,

Karin Hedner Zetterholm & Ruth Illman
Editors of Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies

Call for Applications: Editor of Sociology of Religion

Submission Deadline: April 30, 2019

Send applications to:

Rachel Kraus, ASREO@bsu.edu

Please visit our website for complete information

The Association for the Sociology of Religion (ASR) invites applications for the position Editor of ASR’s journal, Sociology of Religion. The journal has a distinguished record of publishing exceptional sociological research on all facets of religion and spirituality, along with robust two-year (1.556) and five-year (2.000) impact factors.

The journal is published by Oxford University Press on a quarterly basis and is highly competitive, with a 16% acceptance rate from among the nearly 200 manuscripts that are typically submitted in a given year and a 12-week average decision time frame on submitted manuscripts. Published articles commonly feature research on the contours and antecedents of religious involvement, the consequences of religiosity for other domains of social life (gender, health, etc.), the linkages between religion and other social institutions, trends related to religious participation and disaffiliation, various expressions of faith and spirituality, and diverse methodological and theoretical approaches for examining such topics.

Sociology of Religion focuses principally on the publication of basic research that meets stringent scholarly standards. Theoretical and methodological sophistication are a hallmark of articles published in Sociology of Religion. Articles commonly discuss the implications of research findings for the ongoing investigation of religion, social policy, and religious practice. Thus, while applied research is not a principal focus of the journal, practical considerations associated with research findings are commonly addressed.

Research published in the journal is promoted through various venues, including social media (e.g., @SORJournal Twitter account), podcasts, and the annual meetings of the Association for the Sociology of Religion (held in August).

CFP: “Gendering Jesus”

Special Issue of Religion and Gender

Guest editors Jamie Pitts (Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary, US) and Peter-Ben Smit (Free University Amsterdam/Utrecht University, the Netherlands) have just issued a call for papers for the Religion and Gender special issue entitled ‘Gendering Jesus’.

We invite you to review the call for papers at https://www.religionandgender.org/announcement/, or check it in attachment.
Please, do forward the call for papers in your networks and/or feel warmly invited to consider submitting a manuscript.
Thanks for the continuing interest in our work,

Journal Issue: Religion and Gender

Religion and Gender has just published its latest issue at https://www.religionandgender.org/. We invite you to review the new issue Contents here and visit our web site to review articles and other items of interest.

Religion and Gender
Vol 8, No 1 (2018): Christianity, Gender, Sexuality and the Law in Latin America
Table of Contents
Editorial (1-3)
        Journal Editors
Guest Editorial
Introduction: Christianity, Gender, Sexuality and the Law in Latin America (4-13)
        Macarena Sáez,  José Manuel Morán Faúndes
Articles (special issue)
Sexuality, Law, and Religion in Latin America: Frameworks in Tension (14-31)
        Juan Marco Vaggione
The Crusade against Same-Sex Marriage in Colombia (32-49)
        Mauricio Albarracín,    Julieta Lemaitre
The Development of “Pro-Life” NGOs in Argentina: Three Strategic Movements (50-67)
        José Manuel Morán Faúndes
The Regulation of Abortion in Chile: The Failure of the Separation of Church and State (68-83)
        Macarena Sáez
Sexual rights, Religion and Post-Neoliberalism in Argentina (2003-2015) (84-101)
        Daniel Jones,   Lucía Ariza,    Mario Pecheny
Pentecostals and Human Rights Controversies in Brazil (102-119)
        Maria das Dores Campos Machado