Gouvernance et religion en Europe / Governance and Religion in Europe


Le colloque international “Gouvernance et religion en Europe” est organisé
conjointement par le réseau Eurel de sociologues et juristes de la
religion (www.eurel.info), et la Faculté de langues, littérature, humanités, art et éducation de
l’Université du Luxembourg. Le colloque vise à se concentrer sur “le rôle
de la religion dans l’élaboration européenne des politiques et du droit”.
Il comportera des approches en sciences politiques, sociologie et droit.
Les interventions s’inscrivent dans quatre thématiques : religion, discours
et stratégies politiques ; engagement religieux et mobilisations politique
des groupes religieux minoritaires ; les groupes religieux, acteurs et
objets de la gouvernance locale ; les religions dans la législation et
l’application de la loi. (Luxembourg, 29-30 septembre 2016,


The international conference “Governance and Religion in Europe” is jointly
organised by the Eurel network of sociologists and legal scholars of
religion (www.eurel.info), and the University of Luxembourg. The Conference
aims at focusing on “the role of religion in European policy-making and
law”. Its approaches will be based in political science, sociology, and
law. Contributions will be organised in four panels: Religion, Party
Discourse, and Policy-Making; Religious Engagement and Political
Mobilization of Minority Religious Groups; Religious Groups as Actors and
Objects of Local Governance; Religion in Legislation and Law Enforcement.
(Luxembourg, 29-30 September 2016, eurel.sciencesconf.org).

Religions journal

Dear Colleagues,

Religions (ISSN 2077-1444, http://www.mdpi.com/journal/religions) feels honored to be announced at the ISSR website.

Religions is an international, open access scholarly journal, publishing peer reviewed studies of religious thought and practice. It is indexed in the ATLA Religion Database, Web of Science, Scopus, etc. Religions is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and, accordingly, submissions are peer reviewed rigorously to ensure that they conform to the highest standards in their field.

Religions publishes regular research papers, reviews, communications and reports on research projects. We dedicate to research of religion and sociology, as a result, we have published some papers in this filed. You may go to our website to have a look at the manuscripts that we published so far http://www.mdpi.com/search?journal=religions&section=97

We wish the conference will be a fabulous success. We sincerely hope we will have the opportunity of working with the conference participants in the near future.

On behalf of the editorial team,

Kind regards,
Jie Gu
Senior Assistant Editor

Ms. Jie Gu
MDPI Branch Office, Beijing
Religions Editorial Office
Tel. + 86 10 81521170
E-mail: religions@mdpi.com
Klybeckstrasse 64, 2nd Floor, Basel CH-4057, Switzerland
Tel. +41 61 683 77 34; Fax. +41 61 302 89 18

Call for papers: “The Marketing and Consumption of Spirituality and Religion”, Special Issue of Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion. Deadline for full paper submission: January 10, 2017

Dear Colleagues,

With this special issue, the Journal of Management, Spirituality &
Religion extends an invitation to scholars in the field of marketing,
consumer research and related disciplines to contribute to the journal with
their best work on the marketing and consumption of spirituality and

While not exhaustive, the following list suggests possible issues that we
would like to address in this special issue:

  • The consumption of spirituality and religion
  • Identity, community and religious/spiritual consumption
  • The impact of religious ideologies and values on the marketing and consumption of profane goods
  • The material culture of religion and spirituality
  • Religion/religiosity, spirituality and consumer wellbeing
  • The marketization of religious/spiritual holidays, rituals and rites de passage
  • Spiritual materialism
  • Religious/spiritual consumption across the consumer lifecycle
  • The marketing strategies of religious organizations and new religious/spiritual movements (and its discontents); the organization of marketing in these domains
  • Religious history from a marketing perspective
  • The marketing management of religious/spiritual products, services
    and experiences
  • The role of spirituality and religiosity in the marketing and consumption of ‘mundane’ brands, products, and experiences
  • The marketing behavior of religiously aligned organizations
  • Entertainment brands as sources of spiritual meaning (e.g., sport brands, Star Wars, Star Trek)
  • Gender and sexuality issues in the marketing and consumption of
    religion and spirituality
  • The globalization of religious/spiritual marketing and consumption:
    orientalism, postcolonialism, creolization/syncretization, cultural
  • Tourism, immigration
  • Religion and spirituality in the digital age

This special issue welcomes empirical, methodological, and conceptual papers. In terms of methods, we are open to both qualitative and quantitative research designs, as long as data gathering and analysis procedures are rigorous. Similarly, we welcome positivist, interpretive, and critical approaches alike. We also want to encourage work based on theoretical reflection on religion and spirituality outside of marketing, consumer research, organization studies and management (e.g., psychology, sociology, anthropology, theology, cultural studies, political science, history, geography, etc.)*. Methodological and conceptual papers are also encouraged, provided that they make appropriate contributions. Finally, we will consider both theoretical work and managerially oriented

As a guide, papers should be of no more than 9,000 words (excluding references, tables, figures, etc.). More information in the call for paper (can be downloaded here: http://brandaka.com/cfp/). Early expressions of interests and enquiries can be directed to the guest editors.

Guest editors contact details:

Diego Rinallo, Kedge Business School and CERGAM, France (diego.rinallo@kedgebs.com)

Mathieu Alemany Oliver, Aix-Marseille Graduate School of Management – IAE
and CERGAM, France (mathieu.alemany@iae-aix.com)

Åbo Akademi Doctoral Training Network for Minority Research (MinRes) VERY SHORT NOTICE!

The Åbo Akademi Doctoral Training Network for Minority Research (MinRes) is a new network in in the Faculty of Arts, Psychology and Theology. It is based on cooperation between the disciplines psychology, theology (systematic theology and ethics), and religious studies at Åbo Akademi University.

The ambition of the doctoral network is to create a much needed cross-disciplinary network for PhD students to conduct research related specifically to understanding the current nature, conditions, and effects of devaluating attitudes and relations towards minorities. This can include themes such as the current polarization of values and populist anti-minority speech; institutional, cultural and public models of accepted identities and logics of surveillance; religious and/or ideological frameworks as motivational structures in relating to and understanding minorities; verbal or physical violence against minorities; effects of negative attitudes and violence on e.g. subjective well-being; means to prevent radicalization and decrease associated violence; and novel alternative public strategies that better foster and guarantee the protection of minorities. These themes are, however, preliminary and will be defined definitively in the initiations process of the network and through recruitment of doctoral students in order to establish a coherent and dynamic doctoral network.

In this network doctoral students will pursue their projects as a team and under the supervision of Prof. Peter Nynäs (religious studies), Prof. Mikael Lindfelt (theology) and Prof. Pekka Santtila (psychology.). The Åbo Akademi University Minority Research profile that is currently developed will provide an additional important resource for the network.

For additional information about the positions and work tasks applicants are encouraged to contact Prof. and network director Peter Nynäs, peter.nynas@abo.fi, Prof. Mikael Lindfelt, mikael.lindfelt@abo.fi, or Prof. Pekka Santtila, pekka.santtila@abo.fi.

More information: http://www.abo.fi/forskning/doctoralnetworkminres

Sociology of Religion Group, American Academy of Religion, San Antonio, Texas, November 19-22, 2016



Statement of Purpose:

The Sociology of Religion Group of the American Academy of Religion serves
as a bridge between religious studies and the subdiscipline of sociology of
religion. It functions as a two-way conduit not only to import sociological
research into religious studies but also to export the research of
religious studies into both the subdiscipline and the broader field of
sociology. Only through a cross-fertilization transgressing departmental
boundaries can there be breakthroughs in research in both fields. The group
has a wide conception of sociology of religion. It is open to a
multiplicity of paradigms and methodologies utilized in the subfield and
sociology more broadly: theoretical as well as empirical, quantitative,
qualitative, and comparative-historical. By liaising with other Program
Units, the Sociology of Religion Group is able to bring the rich diversity
of critical and analytical perspectives that are housed in the American
Academy of Religion into mainstream sociology of religion. Conversely, it
aims to provide scholars of the study of religion with a deeper
understanding of the landscape of sociology of religion.

Theory, Method, and their Application:

Sociology of Religion as part of a larger discipline is marked by a
canonization of its theory and its division by paradigms and
methodologies–whether these be the classics (Weber and Durkheim), the old
paradigm (functionalism and social constructionism), or the new paradigm
(rational choice) on the one hand or quantitative, qualitative, or
historical-comparative sociology on the other. As it intersects with
sociology of religion, the study of religion has drawn from theories and
methodologies in conversation with sociology, anthropology, critical
theory, psychology, history, and other related disciplines. We are
interested both in papers that utilize the methods and theories in the
study of religion and bring them into the sociological canon as well as
those that help religious studies gain a better grasp of the sociological
theory of religion. We encourage papers that exploit both the theory and
methodology of sociology of religion and religious studies and use them as
frames for analysis of concrete cases. In particular, we request papers
that touch upon social divisions examining race, class, gender, sexual
orientation, ethnicity, region, age, etc.


Internationalism and Diversity:

Critics of sociology of religion have pointed out that the field is
dominated by North Americans scholars primarily interested in
Protestantism. The discipline of religious studies provides a clear
antidote to these perceived limitations. Therefore, we encourage
contributions from academics who study the various religious traditions
around the world as well as those studying North American religious
communities. In particular, we would like submissions from scholars from
all academic ranks across the lines of nationality, region, race,
ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, etc.


Call for Papers:

The Sociology of Religion Group (SOR) invites both panel and paper
proposals across a wide range of topics of interest to both the sociology
of religion and religious studies and are particularly interested in
papers, which speak to both thereby encouraging increased dialogue between
them. In particular, this year’s CFP expresses interest in the following

• Following the theme of AAR’s 2016 annual meetings, the Sociology of
Religion Group invites papers that address the multi-dimensions of
“Revolutionary Love.” This includes but is not limited to love communism
(or the communism of love), brotherly/sisterly love, or love as an impulse
for social change. Conversely, it could include the inverse hypothesis –
where love is not revolutionary at all but is egoistic or narcissistic
(self-love), where revolutions are not based on love but on hate, where
love is harmful and tears down dreams rather than build them up. Finally,
papers could contain a synthesis addressing the contradictory impulses of
revolutionary love – e.g. paradoxical reflections of the religious adage to
love thy enemy.

• Social and Religious Movements and/or Social Movements Theory and
Religious Movements Theory

• Competing Canons within the Sociology of Religion and Religious Studies

• Theory and Methodology including issues of reproducibility, validity, and

• Religion and the Public Sphere

• Religion and Education including but not limited to “Religion and
Education in Pluralistic Societies” or “Religion and Education in the
Postsecular Age.”

• In a co-sponsored paper session, the Quaker Studies Group and Sociology
of Religion Group invite proposals on normative religious identity and
notions of the ‘true Church.’ We are interested in papers that utilize
sociological theories and methods in the analysis of this topic. We are
particularly interested in the following questions: What mechanisms do
religious groups use to establish normative identities, particularly
against deviants or schismatics within their own group? How is ‘membership’
and ‘authenticity’ counted and measured? What types of authority are used
to sustain particular identities and how are these operationalized within
the group? How are notions of ‘the world’ constructed and sustained, and
how are these notions adapted when they no longer serve their original
purpose (for example during the processes of denominationalization or
internal secularization)?

• The topics mentioned above are meant merely as suggestions. We encourage
submissions of all papers that utilize sociological theories, methods, and
questions in their analysis of religion. We are particularly interested in
papers that address issues of inequalities of race, class, ethnicity,
gender, sexual orientation, or those that utilize critical paradigms
including but not limited to critical theory, Marxism, feminism, queer
theory, post-colonialism, post-structuralism, and environmentalism.


The Sociology of Religion Group of AAR regularly co-sponsors panels with
the peer-reviewed print and online journal Critical Research on Religion
(CRR) (http://crr.sagepub.com). Published by SAGE Publications, over 2600
libraries worldwide have subscriptions to the journal. Presenters of
promising papers in SOR panels will be invited to turn their papers into
articles and submit them for peer review to CRR.


Deadline for Submissions: Tuesday, March 1, 2016



Rebekka King (Middle Tennessee State University) rebekka.king@mtsu.edu
Warren S. Goldstein (Harvard University)

Steering Committee:
Afe Adogame (Princeton University)
Courtney Bender (Columbia University)
David Feltmate (Auburn University)
Volkhard Krech (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
Katja Rakow (Universiteit Utrecht)
Randy Reed (Appalachian State University)

Bourse postdoctorale — Fonds Gérard-Dion – Concours 2016 / Postdoctoral Fellowship – Fonds Gérard-Dion — 2016 edition

Le Fonds Gérard-Dion <http://www.fonds-gerard-dion.org>, consacré à la
recherche portant sur les faits religieux, annonce l’ouverture du concours
annuel de la bourse postdoctorale. D’une durée de 12mois, la bourse
s’adresse notamment à une personne provenant de l’extérieur et détentrice
depuis moins de trois ans d’un doctorat d’une université reconnue au Canada
ou à l’étranger. Les qualités recherchées sont l’aptitude au développement
d’un projet de recherche comparée (autre pays / Canada , Canada / Québec)
et le désir de se constituer chercheur ou chercheuse en résidence de
l’Université Laval (Québec, Canada).

Pour plus ample information : www.fonds-gerard-dion.org
Date limite de dépôt des candidatures : 1er mars 2016.


Dedicated to research on religion, ‘Fonds Gerard-Dion’
<http://www.fonds-gerard-dion.org/> currently invites applications for its
annual post-doctoral Fellowship. Eligible candidates to this twelve-month
fellowship must have obtained a PhD within the past three years from any
internationally recognized university.  Relevant qualifications are
interest in developing research project (comparative, Canada / Québec ) and
the desire to be an in-residence researcher at Université Laval in Québec
city, Canada.

For more information :   www.fonds-gerard-dion.org
*Deadline: March 1, 2016.*

Professorship ‘Religion and Society’ (W3/W2) / Professur ‘Religion und Gesellschaft‘ (W3/W2)

The Forum International Science (FIW), University of Bonn, invites applications for a professorship (W3/W2) in ‘Religion and Society’ (professorship starting at the earliest possible date in 2016). The FIW which already has departments in science studies and the comparative study of political regimes will add a third department for the comparative study of religions.

Applicants for the professorship are expected to have competences (documented in teaching, research and publications) in the following fields: comparative study of religions in modern society; research on globalization and world society; comparison of religion with other function systems in society. The professorship will build up the department for comparative religion in close cooperation with the two other departments.

Cooperation will especially focus on proposals for third-party funding. We prepare a cooperative research project on “System/environment relations of the modern system of science, 1750 – 2015”. Therefore, applicants should be interested in interrelations of religion and science and should propose a project in this field. The other focus of cooperation will be a common master curriculum of the three departments to be designed in the next two years.

Precondition for an appointment is a habilitation thesis or similar qualifications. Formal requirements are regulated by § 36 Hochschulgesetz (HG NRW).

The University of Bonn is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will be given to suitably qualified women or handicapped people, all other considerations being equal.

Please submit your electronic application including a CV, a list of publications, a letter explaining your motivations for the application and the contours of your research program, and add three representative publications.

Applications should be sent via e-mail as a single PDF to Prof. Rudolf Stichweh (fiw@unibonn.de). Further information about the FIW can be found at www.fiw.uni-bonn.de or may be obtained from Prof. Rudolf Stichweh (rstichweh@yahoo.de). Closing date: January 31st, 2016.

Das ‚Forum Internationale Wissenschaft‘ lädt zu Bewerbungen für eine Professur ‚Religion und Gesellschaft‘ (W3/W2) ein. Das FIW wird den beiden vorhandenen Abteilungen für Wissenschaftsforschung und für das vergleichende Studium politischer Regimes in der ersten Hälfte 2016 eine weitere Abteilung für vergleichende Religionsforschung hinzufügen.

Von den Bewerberinnen und Bewerbern wird erwartet, dass sie in Lehre, Forschung und Publikation dokumentierte Kompetenzen auf folgenden Gebieten besitzen: Vergleichende Erforschung der Religionen der Moderne; Forschung über Globalisierung und Weltgesellschaft; Vergleich der Religion mit anderen Funktionssystemen der Gesellschaft. Die hauptsächliche Aufgabe der Professur ist der Aufbau der Abteilung für vergleichende Religionsforschung in möglichst enger Kooperation mit den beiden anderen Abteilungen.

Kooperation schließt insbesondere die für das FIW zunehmend wichtige Drittmitteleinwerbung ein. Zur Zeit bereitet das FIW ein größeres Drittmittelprojekt zu den ‚System/Umwelt-Beziehungen des Wissenschaftssystems der Moderne, 1750-2015‘ vor. Deshalb ist es wichtig, dass Bewerberinnen und Bewerber sich für die Interaktion von Wissenschaft und Religion interessieren und ein Projekt in diesem Bereich skizzieren. Der andere Schwerpunkt der Kooperation im FIW wird ein gemeinsamer Masterstudiengang sein, der in den nächsten beiden Jahren zu entwerfen ist.

Voraussetzung für die Einstellung sind eine Habilitation bzw. gleichwertige wissenschaftliche Leistungen. Die Einstellungsvoraussetzungen richten sich nach § 36 Hochschulgesetz (HG NRW).

Chancengleichheit ist Bestandteil unserer Personalpolitik.

Bitte reichen Sie eine elektronische Bewerbung ein, die Folgendes beinhaltet: CV, Publikationsverzeichnis, ein Schreiben zu den Motivationen für die Bewerbung und zu den Umrissen Ihres Forschungsprogramms, und fügen Sie drei repräsentative Publikationen hinzu. Die Unterlagen sollten in einem einzigen PDF an Prof. Rudolf Stichweh (fiw@uni-bonn.de) geschickt werden. Weitere Informationen zum FIW finden Sie auf www.fiw.uni-bonn.de oder erhalten Sie direkt von Prof. Rudolf Stichweh (rstichweh@yahoo.de). Ende der Bewerbungsfrist 31.01.2016

Colloque AFSR, CNRS, 59-61 rue Pouchet, Paris 17 Lundi 1er et mardi 2 février 2016. Entre indifférence religieuse et athéisme militant

Lundi 1er février, 10 h – 12 heures

• Anne-Laure Zwilling, DRES, CNRS / Université de Strasbourg: Introduction

Entre histoire et concepts

Présidente de séance : Céline Béraud, Université de Caen, présidente de l’AFSR

• François Dingremont, EHESS Historicité du « troisième homme ». Athéisme et indifférence depuis l’Antiquité

• Jean Baubérot, GSRL Laïcité, athéisme, indifférence religieuse: quelques pistes de sociologie historique

• Lionel Obadia, Université Lyon 2, LARHRA Quelle anthropologie pour quel athéisme ? Au-delà des Writing Cultures et du Postcolonialisme

Midi – AG de l’AFSR 14 h 30 – 17 h 30 Terrains français

Président de séance : Philipe Portier, EPHE / GSRL

• Raphaël Liogier, Sciences po Aix-en-Provence / CHERPA Le mythe hypermoderne de l’incroyance bouddhiste

• Raul Magni-Berton, Université Grenoble Alpes, Sciences po Grenoble / PACTE L’athéisme des scientifiques français : comment l’expliquer?

• Marion Maudet, EHESS, IRIS et GSRL Sans religion, indifférent-e-s, catholiques affirmés : quels positionnements dans le domaine de l’intime ? A partir des enquêtes sur la sexualité en France

• Sebastian Roché, CNRS, Sciences po Grenoble / PACTE Indifférence et implication religieuses : quels effets sur la confiance aux institutions publiques ? Enquête auprès des adolescents

17 h 30 Pot offert par l’AFSR

Mardi 2 février 9 h – 13 h

Perspectives comparées dans différentes aires culturelles

Président de séance : Dominique Iogna-Prat, EHESS, CéSor

• Philippe Martin, Université Lyon 2, LARHRA / ISERL L’athéisme naît-il au 18e siècle ?

• Hsin-Tien Chuang, EHESS, CéSor L’ « athéisme » des Chinois, de Niccolò Longobardo S.J. (1565-1655) à aujourd’hui

• Soufian Al Karjousli, EMAM/CITERES, Université de Tours Les visions plurielles de l’athéisme dans le monde arabo-musulman

• Pierre Bréchon, Université Grenoble Alpes, Sciences po Grenoble / PACTE Sociologie des athées et des indifférents en Europe • Nathalie Caron, Université Paris-Sorbonne L’indifférence religieuse existe-t-elle aux Etats Unis ?

14 h – 17 h 30 Terrains étrangers et européens

Président de séance : Philippe Martin, Université Lyon 2, LARHRA / ISERL

• Emilie Pontanier, Lisst-Cas, Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès Indifférence religieuse et athéisme, ou le choix d’une école laïque en Tunisie

• Eva Patzelt, Département d’études germaniques de la Sorbonne Enseigner l’athéisme : les dilemmes d’une discipline est-allemande, entre indifférence et ambitions

• Bérengère Massignon, GSRL La Fédération humaniste européenne : un athéisme organisé et militant auprès des institutions européennes

• Louis-Léon Christians, Université Catholique de Louvain, RSCS Irréligion individuelle ou d’Etat : les ambiguïtés de la jurisprudence européenne

• Philippe Portier, EPHE / GSRL Synthèse du colloque

Colloque organisé par Pierre Bréchon, Lionel Obadia, Anne-Laure Zwilling

CALL FOR PAPERS International conference RELIGIONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS Padua (Italy), April 14-15, 2016

The relationship between religion and human rights is controversial and debated. The aim of the international conference is to take stock of the complex connections between religion and human rights, emphasizing that both the definition and the application of these two concepts are influenced by the different social and cultural contexts within which they are placed. Starting from the geopolitical changes which have involved contemporary society on a global scale, the conference intends to critically evaluate the two main narratives on this topic: on the one hand religions understood as an element opposing the affirmation of human rights, and on the other religions considered as agencies facilitating the implementation of human rights. Religious rights, understood as individual and/or collective rights, are disputed as well. How do religious traditions and new religious communities approach human rights issues? How do states manage religious traditions and religious diversification? How are human rights discourses and practices affected by the social context?

Participants are invited to explore from different disciplinary perspectives the following topics: Freedom of expression, speech, choice, association; non-discrimination; gender issues; religionstate relations; violence; conflict; peace.

Confirmed keynote speakers:

Eileen Barker, London School of Economics

Lori Beaman, University of Ottawa

Willy Fautré, Human Rights Without Frontiers International Silvio Ferrari, University of Milan

Enzo Pace, University of Padua James Richardson, University of Nevada

Hans-Georg Ziebertz, University of Wuerzburg

The international conference is organized by the Joint PhD Programme on “Human Rights, Society, and Multi-level Governance” (Universities of Athens-Panteion, Padua, Western Sydney, Zagreb). Scientific Committee: Giuseppe Giordan, University of Padua Adam Possamai, Western Sidney University Constantin Preda, University of Bucharest Siniša Zrinščak, University of Zagreb.

Abstracts (300 words) should be sent to Giuseppe Giordan (giuseppe.giordan@unipd.it) no later than January 15th, 2016. Acceptance notification will be sent by January 25th, 2016. There are no fees for attendance.

“The Diversity of Nonreligion” & NSRN Conference 2016, 7-9 July 2016

CFP: Approaching Nonreligion: Conceptual, methodical, and empirical approaches in a new research field

For some years now, nonreligious phenomena have not only sparked public, but also scholarly attention. A rising number of scholars have begun to engage with both organized and non-organized forms of nonreligion. We want to use this conference to go beyond the discussion of terms and individual findings to facilitate exchange over different approaches, and engage with the following broader questions:

– What phenomena are approached in research projects on nonreligion and how is nonreligion construed in different studies?

– What are central theoretical references for studies on nonreligion, and in what way do scholars engage with related broader debates on religion and secularity?

– What are methodic and methodological challenges and approaches in concrete empirical research?

– What scientific traditions and sources of inspiration motivate and guide researchers in the field of nonreligion?

– In what ways is research on nonreligion entangled with religious-nonreligious contestations?

The conference brings together empirical research with conceptual and methodological reflection, as well as a self-reflexive perspective on the research field itself.

There will be room for both individual papers as well as prepared panels. We welcome scholarly contributions from different scientific fields. Please apply with either an abstract for an individual paper or a proposal for a thematic session (2-4 individual papers). Please name your institutional affiliation if possible. Please send your proposal (200-300 words) to: alexander.blechschmidt@uzh.ch

Deadline for proposals: January 15th 2016, Notification of acceptance: January 30th 2016

Department of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies (ISEK), University of Zürich, Switzerland (http://www.isek.uzh.ch/index.html)

The Diversity of Nonreligion: Religious-Nonreligious Dynamics in the Contemporary World (http://www.nonreligion.net)

Nonreligion and Secularity Research Network (www.nsrn.net)